
RootAttributeOperation (engine/model/operation)



Operation to change root element's attribute. Using this class you can add, remove or change value of the attribute.

This operation is needed, because root elements can't be changed through AttributeOperation. It is because AttributeOperation requires a range to change and root element can't be a part of range because every Position has to be inside a root. Position can't be created before a root element.



  • readonly

    affectedSelectable : Selectable

    A selectable that will be affected by the operation after it is executed.

    The exact returned parameter differs between operation types.

  • inherited

    baseVersion : null | number

    version on which operation can be applied. If you try to apply operation with different base version than the document version the model-document-applyOperation-wrong-version error is thrown.

  • inherited

    batch : null | Batch

    Batch to which the operation is added or null if the operation is not added to any batch yet.

    Note, that a non-document operation has this property always set to null, and is never added to any batch.

  • readonly inherited

    isDocumentOperation : boolean

    Defines whether operation is executed on attached or detached items.

  • readonly

    key : string

    Key of an attribute to change or remove.

  • newValue : unknown

    New value of the attribute with given key or null, if operation should remove attribute.

  • oldValue : unknown

    Old value of the attribute with given key or null, if attribute was not set before.

  • readonly

    root : RootElement

    Root element to change.

  • readonly

    type : 'addRootAttribute' | 'removeRootAttribute' | 'changeRootAttribute'

    Operation type.

Static properties

  • readonly static

    className : string

    Name of the operation class used for serialization.


  • constructor( root, key, oldValue, newValue, baseVersion )

    Creates an operation that changes, removes or adds attributes on root element.


    root : RootElement

    Root element to change.

    key : string

    Key of an attribute to change or remove.

    oldValue : unknown

    Old value of the attribute with given key or null, if attribute was not set before.

    newValue : unknown

    New value of the attribute with given key or null, if operation should remove attribute.

    baseVersion : null | number

    Document version on which operation can be applied or null if the operation operates on detached (non-document) tree.


  • clone() → RootAttributeOperation

    Creates and returns an operation that has the same parameters as this operation.



    Clone of this operation.

  • getReversed() → Operation

  • toJSON() → unknown

    Custom toJSON method to solve child-parent circular dependencies.



    Clone of this object with the operation property replaced with string.

  • internal

    _execute() → void

    Executes the operation - modifications described by the operation properties will be applied to the model tree.


  • internal

    _validate() → void

    Checks whether the operation's parameters are correct and the operation can be correctly executed. Throws an error if operation is not valid.



Static methods

  • static

    fromJSON( json, document ) → RootAttributeOperation

    Creates RootAttributeOperation object from deserialized object, i.e. from parsed JSON string.


    json : any

    Deserialized JSON object.

    document : Document

    Document on which this operation will be applied.

