
GeneralHtmlSupportConfig (html-support)



The configuration of the General HTML Support feature. The option is used by the GeneralHtmlSupport feature.

	.create( {
		htmlSupport: ... // General HTML Support feature config.
	} )
	.then( ... )
	.catch( ... );

See all editor options.



  • allow : Array<MatcherObjectPattern> | undefined

    The configuration of allowed content rules used by General HTML Support.

    Setting this configuration option will enable HTML features that are not explicitly supported by any other dedicated CKEditor 5 features.

    const htmlSupportConfig.allow = [
    		name: 'div',                      // Enable 'div' element support,
    		classes: [ 'special-container' ], // allow 'special-container' class,
    		styles: 'background',             // allow 'background' style,
    		attributes: true                  // allow any attribute (can be empty).
    		name: 'p',                                   // Extend existing Paragraph feature,
    		classes: 'highlighted'                       // with 'highlighted' class,
    		attributes: [
    			{ key: 'data-i18n-context, value: true } // and i18n attribute.
  • allowEmpty : Array<string> | undefined

    The configuration of allowed empty inline elements that should not be removed.

    Note that you should also add an appropriate entry to allow list.

    const htmlSupportConfig.allowEmpty = [ 'i', 'span' ];
  • disallow : Array<MatcherObjectPattern> | undefined

    The configuration of disallowed content rules used by General HTML Support.

    Setting this configuration option will disable listed HTML features.

    const htmlSupportConfig.disallow = [
    		name: /[\s\S]+/    // For every HTML feature,
    		attributes: {
    			key: /^on.*$/ // disable 'on*' attributes, like 'onClick', 'onError' etc.
  • preserveEmptyBlocksInEditingView : boolean | undefined

    Whether a filler text (non-breaking space entity — &nbsp;) will be inserted into empty block elements in HTML output. This is used to render block elements properly with line-height.

    When set to true, empty blocks will be preserved in the editing view. When false (default), empty blocks are only preserved in the data output.

    The option is used by the EmptyBlock feature.

    Defaults to false