
PluginStaticMembers (core)



Static properties of a plugin.


Type parameters


  • readonly

    isContextPlugin : boolean | undefined

    A flag which defines if a plugin is allowed or not allowed to be used directly by a Context.

  • readonly

    pluginName : string | undefined

    An optional name of the plugin. If set, the plugin will be available in get by its name and its constructor. If not, then only by its constructor.

    The name should reflect the constructor name.

    To keep the plugin class definition tight, it is recommended to define this property as a static getter:

    export default class ImageCaption {
    	static get pluginName() {
    		return 'ImageCaption';

    Note: The native property could not be used to keep the plugin name because it will be mangled during code minification.

    Naming a plugin is necessary to enable removing it through the config.removePlugins option.

  • readonly

    requires : PluginDependencies<TContext> | undefined

    An array of plugins required by this plugin.

    To keep the plugin class definition tight it is recommended to define this property as a static getter:

    import Image from './image.js';
    export default class ImageCaption {
    	static get requires() {
    		return [ Image ];
  • internal readonly

    isOfficialPlugin : boolean | undefined

    A flag which defines if a plugin is an official CKEditor 5 plugin.

  • internal readonly

    isPremiumPlugin : boolean | undefined

    A flag which defines if a plugin is a premium CKEditor 5 plugin.