
MoveOperation (engine/model/operation)



Operation to move a range of model items to given target position.



  • readonly

    affectedSelectable : Selectable

    A selectable that will be affected by the operation after it is executed.

    The exact returned parameter differs between operation types.

  • inherited

    baseVersion : null | number

    version on which operation can be applied. If you try to apply operation with different base version than the document version the model-document-applyOperation-wrong-version error is thrown.

  • inherited

    batch : null | Batch

    Batch to which the operation is added or null if the operation is not added to any batch yet.

    Note, that a non-document operation has this property always set to null, and is never added to any batch.

  • howMany : number

    Offset size of moved range.

  • readonly inherited

    isDocumentOperation : boolean

    Defines whether operation is executed on attached or detached items.

  • sourcePosition : Position

    Position before the first model item to move.

  • targetPosition : Position

    Position at which moved nodes will be inserted.

  • readonly

    type : 'remove' | 'move' | 'reinsert'

    Operation type.

Static properties

  • readonly static

    className : string

    Name of the operation class used for serialization.


  • constructor( sourcePosition, howMany, targetPosition, baseVersion )

    Creates a move operation.


    sourcePosition : Position

    Position before the first model item to move.

    howMany : number

    Offset size of moved range. Moved range will start from sourcePosition and end at sourcePosition with offset shifted by howMany.

    targetPosition : Position

    Position at which moved nodes will be inserted.

    baseVersion : null | number

    Document version on which operation can be applied or null if the operation operates on detached (non-document) tree.

  • clone() → MoveOperation

    Creates and returns an operation that has the same parameters as this operation.


  • getMovedRangeStart() → Position

    Returns the start position of the moved range after it got moved. This may be different than targetPosition in some cases, i.e. when a range is moved inside the same parent but targetPosition is after sourcePosition.

     vv              vv
    abcdefg ===> adefbcg
         ^          ^
         targetPos  movedRangeStart
         offset 6   offset 4


  • getReversed() → Operation

  • toJSON() → unknown

    Custom toJSON method to solve child-parent circular dependencies.



    Clone of this object with the operation property replaced with string.

  • internal

    _execute() → void

    Executes the operation - modifications described by the operation properties will be applied to the model tree.


  • internal

    _validate() → void

    Checks whether the operation's parameters are correct and the operation can be correctly executed. Throws an error if operation is not valid.



Static methods

  • static

    fromJSON( json, document ) → MoveOperation

    Creates MoveOperation object from deserialized object, i.e. from parsed JSON string.


    json : any

    Deserialized JSON object.

    document : Document

    Document on which this operation will be applied.

