
Matcher (engine/view)



View matcher class. Instance of this class can be used to find elements that match given pattern.




  • constructor( pattern )

    Creates new instance of Matcher.


    pattern : Array<MatcherPattern>

    Match patterns. See add method for more information.

  • add( pattern ) → void

    Adds pattern or patterns to matcher instance.

    // String.
    matcher.add( 'div' );
    // Regular expression.
    matcher.add( /^\w/ );
    // Single class.
    matcher.add( {
    	classes: 'foobar'
    } );

    See MatcherPattern for more examples.

    Multiple patterns can be added in one call:

    matcher.add( 'div', { classes: 'foobar' } );


    pattern : Array<MatcherPattern>

    Object describing pattern details. If string or regular expression is provided it will be used to match element's name. Pattern can be also provided in a form of a function - then this function will be called with each element as a parameter. Function's return value will be stored under match key of the object returned from match or matchAll methods.


  • getElementName() → null | string

    Returns the name of the element to match if there is exactly one pattern added to the matcher instance and it matches element name defined by string (not RegExp). Otherwise, returns null.


    null | string

    Element name trying to match.

  • match( element ) → null | MatchResult

    Matches elements for currently stored patterns. Returns match information about first found element, otherwise returns null.

    Example of returned object:

    	element: <instance of found element>,
    	pattern: <pattern used to match found element>,
    	match: {
    		name: true,
    		attributes: [
    			[ 'title' ],
    			[ 'href' ],
    			[ 'class', 'foo' ],
    			[ 'style', 'color' ],
    			[ 'style', 'position' ]

    You could use the match field from the above returned object as an input for the ViewConsumable#test() and ViewConsumable#consume() methods.


    element : Array<Element>

    View element to match against stored patterns.


    null | MatchResult

    The match information about found element or null.


  • matchAll( element ) → null | Array<MatchResult>

    Matches elements for currently stored patterns. Returns array of match information with all found elements. If no element is found - returns null.


    element : Array<Element>

    View element to match against stored patterns.


    null | Array<MatchResult>

    Array with match information about found elements or null. For more information see match method description.


  • private

    _isElementMatching( element, pattern ) → null | Match

    Returns match information if element is matching provided pattern. If element cannot be matched to provided pattern - returns null.


    element : Element
    pattern : MatcherFunctionPattern | MatcherObjectPattern


    null | Match

    Returns object with match information or null if element is not matching.