





  • blockAutoformatEditing( editor, plugin, pattern, callbackOrCommand ) → void

    Creates a listener triggered on change:data event in the document. Calls the callback when inserted text matches the regular expression or the command name if provided instead of the callback.

    Examples of usage:

    To convert a paragraph into heading 1 when - is typed, using just the command name:

    blockAutoformatEditing( editor, plugin, /^\- $/, 'heading1' );

    To convert a paragraph into heading 1 when - is typed, using just the callback:

    blockAutoformatEditing( editor, plugin, /^\- $/, ( context ) => {
    	const { match } = context;
    	const headingLevel = match[ 1 ].length;
    	editor.execute( 'heading', {
    		formatId: `heading${ headingLevel }`
    	} );
    } );


    editor : Editor

    The editor instance.

    plugin : Autoformat

    The autoformat plugin instance.

    pattern : RegExp

    The regular expression to execute on just inserted text. The regular expression is tested against the text from the beginning until the caret position.

    callbackOrCommand : string | ( object ) => unknown

    The callback to execute or the command to run when the text is matched. In case of providing the callback, it receives the following parameter:

    • match RegExp.exec() result of matching the pattern to inserted text.

