
TableConfig (table)



The configuration of the table feature. Used by the table feature in the @ckeditor/ckeditor5-table package.

	.create( editorElement, {
		table: ... // Table feature options.
	} )
	.then( ... )
	.catch( ... );

See all editor options.



  • contentToolbar : Array<ToolbarConfigItem> | undefined

    Items to be placed in the table content toolbar. The TableToolbar plugin is required to make this toolbar work.

    Assuming that you use the TableUI feature, the following toolbar items will be available in ComponentFactory:

    • 'tableRow',
    • 'tableColumn',
    • 'mergeTableCells'.

    You can thus configure the toolbar like this:

    const tableConfig = {
    	contentToolbar: [ 'tableRow', 'tableColumn', 'mergeTableCells' ]

    Of course, the same buttons can also be used in the main editor toolbar.

    Read more about configuring the toolbar in toolbar.

  • defaultHeadings : object | undefined

    Number of rows and columns to render by default as table heading when inserting new tables.

    You can configure it like this:

    const tableConfig = {
    	defaultHeadings: {
    		rows: 1,
    		columns: 1

    Both rows and columns properties are optional defaulting to 0 (no heading).

  • tableCellProperties : TableCellPropertiesConfig | undefined

    The configuration of the table cell properties user interface (balloon). It allows to define:

    • The color palette for the cell border color style field (tableCellProperties.borderColors),
    • The color palette for the cell background style field (tableCellProperties.backgroundColors).
    const tableConfig = {
    	tableCellProperties: {
    		borderColors: [
    				color: 'hsl(0, 0%, 90%)',
    				label: 'Light grey'
    			// ...
    		backgroundColors: [
    				color: 'hsl(120, 75%, 60%)',
    				label: 'Green'
    			// ...
    • The default styles for table cells (tableCellProperties.defaultProperties):
    const tableConfig = {
    	tableCellProperties: {
    		defaultProperties: {
    			horizontalAlignment: 'right',
    			verticalAlignment: 'bottom',
    			padding: '5px'

    Read more about the supported properties.

    Note: The borderColors and backgroundColors options do not impact the data loaded into the editor, i.e. they do not limit or filter the colors in the data. They are used only in the user interface allowing users to pick colors in a more convenient way. The defaultProperties option does impact the data. Default values will not be kept in the editor model.

    The default color palettes for the cell background and the cell border are the same (check out their content).

    Both color palette configurations must follow the table color configuration format.

    Read more about configuring the table feature in TableConfig.

  • tableProperties : TablePropertiesConfig | undefined

    The configuration of the table properties user interface (balloon). It allows to define:

    • The color palette for the table border color style field (tableProperties.borderColors),
    • The color palette for the table background style field (tableProperties.backgroundColors).
    const tableConfig = {
    	tableProperties: {
    		borderColors: [
    				color: 'hsl(0, 0%, 90%)',
    				label: 'Light grey'
    			// ...
    		backgroundColors: [
    				color: 'hsl(120, 75%, 60%)',
    				label: 'Green'
    			// ...
    • The default styles for tables (tableProperties.defaultProperties):
    const tableConfig = {
    	tableProperties: {
    		defaultProperties: {
    			borderStyle: 'dashed',
    			borderColor: 'hsl(0, 0%, 90%)',
    			borderWidth: '3px',
    			alignment: 'left'

    Read more about the supported properties.

    Note: The borderColors and backgroundColors options do not impact the data loaded into the editor, i.e. they do not limit or filter the colors in the data. They are used only in the user interface allowing users to pick colors in a more convenient way. The defaultProperties option does impact the data. Default values will not be kept in the editor model.

    The default color palettes for the table background and the table border are the same (check out their content).

    Both color palette configurations must follow the table color configuration format.

    Read more about configuring the table feature in TableConfig.

  • tableToolbar : Array<ToolbarConfigItem> | undefined

    Items to be placed in the table toolbar. The TableToolbar plugin is required to make this toolbar work.

    You can thus configure the toolbar like this:

    const tableConfig = {
    	tableToolbar: [ 'blockQuote' ]

    Of course, the same buttons can also be used in the main editor toolbar.

    Read more about configuring the toolbar in toolbar.