
FormattingOptions (import-word)





  • comments : 'none' | 'full' | 'basic' | undefined

    Defines which formatting styles should be kept for the imported comments text.

    Possible values are:

    • 'basic' - basic styles are kept (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough and links),
    • 'none' - comment text is imported without any styling,
    • 'full' - all styles are kept (not recommended).

    Note: Please remember that importing comments requires installing the Comments feature.

    Defaults to 'basic'

  • defaults : 'none' | 'inline' | undefined

    Controls whether formatting set by default (like the default font size or default font family) should be included in the generated document.

    If inline, the converter service preserves the default formatting of the imported Word document.

    Defaults to 'none'

  • resets : 'none' | 'inline' | undefined

    Controls whether the additional formatting dedicated to minimizing differences between default Word styles and default HTML formatting should be included in the generated document.

    If inline, the converter service preserves the formatting to be consistent with Word ones. For example, in Word headings are not bold by default, whereas in HTML, they are. Enabling this option appends font-weight: normal to all headings.

    Defaults to false

  • styles : 'none' | 'inline' | undefined

    Controls whether Word styles should be included in the generated document.

    If inline, the converter service preserves the default styles of the imported Word document.

    Defaults to 'inline'