
log (utils)



The logging module.

This object features two functions that should be used across CKEditor code base to log errors and warnings. Despite being an overridable interface for native console.* this module serves also the goal to limit the code size of a minified CKEditor package. During minification process the messages will be shortened and links to their documentation will be logged to the console.

All errors and warning should be documented in the following way:

 * Error thrown when a plugin cannot be loaded due to JavaScript errors, lack of plugins with a given name, etc.
 * @error plugin-load
 * @param pluginName The name of the plugin that could not be loaded.
 * @param moduleName The name of the module which tried to load this plugin.
 * /
log.error( 'plugin-load: It was not possible to load the "{$pluginName}" plugin in module "{$moduleName}', {
    pluginName: 'foo',
    moduleName: 'bar'
} );
Warning vs Error vs Throw
  • Whenever a potentially incorrect situation occurs, which does not directly lead to an incorrect behavior, log a warning.
  • Whenever an incorrect situation occurs, but the app may continue working (although perhaps incorrectly), log an error.
  • Whenever it's really bad and it does not make sense to continue working, throw a CKEditorError.



  • error( message, [ data ] )


    Logs an error to the console.

    Read more about error logging in the log module.


    message : String

    The error message in an error-name: Error message. format. During the minification process the "Error message" part will be removed to limit the code size and a link to this error documentation will be logged to the console.

    [ data ] : Object

    Additional data describing the error.

  • warn( message, [ data ] )


    Logs a warning to the console.

    Read more about error logging in the log module.


    message : String

    The warning message in a warning-name: Warning message. format. During the minification process the "Warning message" part will be removed to limit the code size and a link to this error documentation will be logged to the console.

    [ data ] : Object

    Additional data describing the warning.