
You can configure CKBox On-Premises using environment variables. Below you will find available environment variables with descriptions.

# Secret keys

The license_key variable is used to verify that you own the rights to run CKBox On-Premises. To get your the license_key please contact us. If you leave this option empty or provide an invalid key, CKBox On-Premises will not launch.

The environments_management_secret_key variable should be a hard to guess string, preferably generated by an external password generator. It will be used to access the Cloud Services Management Panel.

# SQL Database

# MySQL database

To configure the MySQL database you should first set the database_driver variable to mysql.

Then, you can provide:

  • database_host and database_port to configure the database address.
  • database_user and database_password to configure the database user.
  • database_database to set the database that should be used by CKBox On-Premises.

If your database connection should be encrypted, use the database_ssl_ca, database_ssl_key and database_ssl_cert configurations.

# Postgres database

To configure the Postgres database instead of MySQL, you should first set the database_driver variable to postgres.

Then, you can provide:

  • database_host and database_port to configure the database address.
  • database_user and database_password to configure the database user.
  • database_database and database_schema to point which schema should be used by the On-Premises server.

If your database connection should be encrypted, use the database_ssl_ca, database_ssl_key and database_ssl_cert configurations.

# Redis database

Besides the SQL database, you need to configure the Redis database using:

  • redis_host and redis_port to configure the database address.
  • redis_password and redis_user to configure the database credentials. Both configuration options are optional.

You can also provide redis_db if you don’t want to use the default database number, which is set to 1.

If you have a problem with connecting to IPv6, try setting redis_ip_family to 6.

If your database connection should be encrypted, use the redis_tls_ca, redis_tls_key, and redis_tls_cert configurations, or set redis_tls_enable to true if you don’t use a custom certificate.

# Connecting to Redis Cluster

To set up a connection with a Redis Cluster, nodes need to be provided as the REDIS_CLUSTER_NODES variable.

REDIS_CLUSTER_NODES        - required (for Redis Cluster connection)
REDIS_IP_FAMILY            - optional (required only when using an IPv6 domain in `REDIS_CLUSTER_NODES`)

The REDIS_CLUSTER_NODES variable needs to contain a list of nodes in the dedicated format, which consists of:

"IP:PORT:[optional PASSWORD],IP:PORT:[optional PASSWORD]"

To understand the connection string format, check the examples below:

# IPv6
REDIS_CLUSTER_NODES: "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:7000,[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:7001,[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:7002"

# IPv6 with a password
REDIS_CLUSTER_NODES: "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:7000:password1,[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:7001:password2,[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:7002:password3"

# Domain name

# Domain name with IPv6 support

# Domain name with a password

# Storage

# S3 storage

To configure S3 as your files storage you should first set the storage_driver variable to s3.

Then, you can provide:

  • storage_access_key_id and storage_secret_access_key to authorize the service.
  • storage_bucket to set the bucket where the files should be stored.

If you use an S3 compatible server, like MinIO, you can set the address with storage_endpoint variable.

# Azure Blob Storage

To configure Azure Blob Storage as your files storage you should first set the storage_driver variable to azure.

Then, you can provide:

  • storage_account_name and storage_account_key authorize to the service.
  • storage_container to set the container where the files should be stored.

# Filesystem

To configure the filesystem as your files storage you should first set the storage_driver variable to filesystem.

Then you can provide the path to the directory where the files should be stored using the storage_location variable.

# SQL storage

To configure MySQL or Postgres as your files storage, you should set the storage_driver variable to sql. When using SQL as a storage driver, the application will use the configuration provided in the database_* variables.