guideMerge fields

The converter provides support for the Word Merge fields feature. Merge fields allow users to create templates, that can be later used to produce multiple documents using mail merge.

Word Mail Merge allows you to effortlessly create personalized documents and streamline your communication process. You can generate tailored letters, emails, envelopes, labels, and directories by including specific details like names and addresses for each recipient.

Word merge fields template

With Word Mail Merge, you can automate the creation of customized documents, saving time and reducing manual effort. You can set up reusable templates to ensure consistency and speed in your communications.

This feature allows you to integrate data seamlessly from Excel spreadsheets, Access databases, Outlook contacts, and other sources directly into your Word documents, eliminating the need for manual data entry. It can help you reduce errors and maintain accuracy by using a single data source for all your documents, ensuring all personalized information is current and correct.

# Converting merge fields

Merge fields are a feature of Word that is supported by Import from Word with full compatibility with the CKEditor 5 Merge fields feature.

To enable merge fields in Import From Word you need to provide their configuration via config.merge_fields option. (Read about this configuration option in API documentation).

Example of converting a Word document with merge fields:

    "config": {
        "merge_fields": {
            "prefix": "{",
            "suffix": "}"

Word merge fields

<p>Hello {FirstName} {LastName}!</p>

The full list of the converted merge fields will be sent in the REST API payload:

    "html": "<p>Hello {FirstName} {LastName}!</p>",
    "merge_fields": [