guideImport and Export to Word On-Premises

# 1.16.2 (2024-03-05)

# Common changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.16.1 (2024-01-09)

# Import from Word

# Other changes

  • Added the text-decoration-skip-ink CSS property to CSS resets

  • Added the font-size CSS property of HTML headings to CSS resets

# Export to Word

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed suggestions attribute breaking a conversion

    The unsupported suggestions attributes are removed from the document.

# Common changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

    The above update patches the security vulnerability related to the heap buffer overflow risk.

# 1.16.0 (2023-11-14)

# Import from Word

# Features

  • Added support for newline suggestions

    This release adds support for newline suggestions. This type of suggestion occurs in Word documents when a hard line break is inserted or deleted while changes are being tracked.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed support for checkboxes in tables

    Previously, when a table contained a checkbox inside a row or a cell, the converter didn’t recognize such a structure, and threw an error when performing some table operations. For example, when the cell containing the checkbox spanned several columns, the merging operation in the converter caused errors.

  • Fixed inheritance of complex formatting properties

    Complex formatting properties, such as list numbering or underlines, weren’t always resolved correctly when they were defined on various levels of the style hierarchy. For example, paragraph styles that inherited a list definition from another paragraph style, but had a different list level specified, didn’t apply properly. This release adjusts resolving of such formatting.

# Export to Word

# Features

  • Added support for custom headers while fetching external images

    Custom headers can now be added to every request which fetches external images.
    It can be used e.g. to authorize access to external images.
    The feature is available thanks to the extra_http_headers option.
    You will find more information in our documentation.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed incorrect rendering of images if fetching any of the images failed.

    An image that couldn’t be loaded during the conversion is properly displayed as non-available in a Word document.

# Common changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.15.1 (2023-10-05)

# Common changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

    The above update patches the security vulnerability related to the heap buffer overflow risk.

# 1.15.0 (2023-09-19)

# Import from Word

# Features

  • Added CSS resets and extended formatting support

    Browsers provide their own CSS stylesheets that apply default formatting to common HTML elements. Unfortunately, this formatting is incompatible with the default Word formatting. Previously, the IFW converter did not support overwriting conflicting browser styles. Now a new configuration option formatting.resets is available. It can be used to change selected formatting properties to the same values that are used in Word by default.

    Along with this change, we introduced the new formatting configuration option that can be used to control the outputted formatting in a more granular way:

    type ConversionConfig = {
        formatting?: {
            resets?: 'none' | 'inline';
            defaults?: 'none' | 'inline';
            styles?: 'none' | 'inline';
            comments?: 'none' | 'basic' | 'full';

    The old default_styles and collaboration_features.comments_styles options are now deprecated in favor of formatting.defaults and formatting.comments respectively.

  • Added default table styles

    Tables in Word have some default formatting defined implicitly. For example, text in table cells is by default vertically aligned to the top, and tables themselves are aligned to the left. These properties differ from the default HTML formatting, where, for example, the content of table cells is by default centered. However, they are not saved anywhere in documents, so the converter added them as direct formatting to minimize the visual differences between Word and the HTML output. Unfortunately, this means that such default styles were always outputted regardless of whether the conversion of default formatting was actually enabled.

    In this release, the implicit table formatting starts being recognized as the default formatting and is no longer added to the output if the formatting.defaults option is set to false. Along with this change, we also extended support for default table formatting, and table borders are now collapsed by default.

    Please note that this may change the content produced by the converter when documents are converted with the conversion of default formatting disabled (which is the default case).

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed support for simple fields

    Previously, some fields such as DATE could be incorrectly converted, resulting in content loss. Now, the converter will properly preserve the content of such fields.

  • Fixed escaping font names in CSS

    When some part of a document was using a font with specific characters in its name, the converter outputted invalid CSS due to a lack of proper character escaping. This means that browsers ignored the outputted formatting and such fonts were not properly applied in the output. The Import from Word converter now properly escapes these characters.

# Export to Word

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed support for images inside span elements within tables

  • Fixed the rendering of documents with over 20,000 paragraphs

  • Fixed a problem with preserving multiple successive spaces in exported documents

    Added a proper whitespace handling mechanism that preserves whitespace characters consistent with browser vendors.

  • Fixed incorrect handling of suggestions in lists when a suggestion was nested inside an inline element with no other content

    The documents containing suggestions inside inline elements should no longer be broken.

# Common changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.14.1 (2023-07-25)

# Common changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.14.0 (2023-07-11)

# Import from Word

# Features

  • Added support for the Strict Open XML format

    The .docx files can be saved in the Strict Open XML mode, which differs significantly from the regular mode. This release adds support for DOCX files saved in the strict mode, resulting in better coverage of supported document formats.

# Bug fixes

  • Advanced Table Formatting: Last column formatting is not applied to merged table cells

    Formatting of the last table column was ignored when the last table cell in a table row spanned multiple columns. Thanks to the fix, cells in the last column always have conditional formatting properly applied now.

  • Advanced Table Formatting: Formatting of corner cells in the last column is not applied to merged table cells

    Formatting of corner cells in the last column was not applied when those cells spanned multiple columns. The fix should now ensure proper resolution of formatting for corner cells in the last column.

  • Advanced Table Formatting: Similar formatting regions should be mutually exclusive

    When table cells belong to similar table regions, only formatting from one such region should be applied. For example, consider a table that contains a single cell. This cell belongs to both the first and the last column. However, in Word, only the formatting of the first column is applied to that cell. Import from Word follows the same behavior as Word now.

  • Table of Contents: Line breaks in headings are not properly supported

    Headings in Word may contain soft line breaks, which are typically replaced by a single space character by default. However, the converter ignored those line breaks, resulting in a lack of whitespace in the output.

# Common changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.13.0 (2023-05-30)

# Export to Word

# Features

  • Added support for resolved comments

    Comments that are marked as comment.is_resolved will be resolved in a Word document.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed generating Word documents with list suggestions

    Suggestions in list items sometimes caused producing broken Word documents

  • Fixed broken conversion due to loading CSS

    Some CSS syntax caused conversion to fail. The fix skips the invalid CSS properties.

# Import from Word

# Features

  • Added support for advanced table formatting

    In Word, table styles can define the formatting of particular table sections, for example, the background color of cells in the last table row. In fact, many table styles built-in into Word use such formatting. Now, the Import from Word converter recognizes and properly converts it.

  • Added support for archived comments

    Recently, CKEditor 5 released a feature called “comments archive” that allows archiving comments that are no longer necessary. Word, on the other hand, has an option that marks comments and entire comment threads as resolved. Until now, the Import from Word converter did not return any information on whether a comment is resolved or not, but since this release converted comments contain a new property called is_resolved that can be used to archive imported comments in CKEditor.

# Common changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.12.0 (2023-04-28)

# Import from Word

# Features

  • Added support for table of contents

    This release brings support for the table of contents. Currently, two possible formats of the table of contents are supported:

    1. Automatic table of contents
    2. Custom table of contents
  • Added support for horizontal alignment of non-inline images

    In Word, there are two types of images: inline and floating. The latter can be freely positioned and have its other settings, such as text wrapping, modified. In this release, support for the horizontal alignment of floating images was added.

    Note that HTML does not support a centered image with text wrapped around it, and thus importing such images does not preserve text wrapping.

  • Added support for 3D rotation via camera presets

    Extending support for image rotation from the previous release: support for camera presets was added. Camera presets available from the 3-D Rotation tab of the Format Picture menu and containing rotation settings are converted properly now.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed incorrectly aligned images

    Disabling the config.default_styles option sometimes caused imported images to be misaligned. This release patched this issue and now images should have proper alignment regardless of the default_styles option.

# Common changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.11.0 (2023-04-04)

# Export to Word

# Features

  • Added support for text indentation

    The text-indent CSS property on paragraphs is properly recognized and applied to the Word document. Text indentation support is limited to absolute units, like pixels.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where an invalid HTML table structure resulted in producing broken Word documents

    Tables that are missing some part of the proper table structure, for example, empty table rows, are now properly handled by the converter.

  • Fixed an issue where block elements inside list items were producing invalid HTML

    Block elements inside list items are converted to inline ones to preserve the correct list structure. Tables are extracted from lists as they are not supported in lists by Word.

  • Fixed an issue with fetching images from external servers

    png and jpg images are now always downloaded and included in the `.docx`` file.

# Import from Word

# Features

  • Added support for conversion of SVGs

    The Import from Word converter can correctly convert images using the SVG format. It supports both embedded and linked images.

  • Added advanced underline styling

    Previously, the converter always outputted underline as a solid black line. Now, it supports underlines that use different colors or shapes. However, not all shapes available in Word are supported by CSS, hence some are transformed into the closest matching equivalents.

    Advanced underline styling is represented using various text-decoration-* CSS properties. Additionally, please note that CKEditor 5 may need extra General HTML Support (GHS) plugin configuration to preserve it.

  • Added support for image rotation

    Image rotation is now preserved by the converter. Both 2D and 3D rotations are supported. Currently, the default camera preset is supported.

    Rotation is outputted as a transform CSS property, and thus it behaves slightly differently from Word: rotated images may overlap text in preceding and following paragraphs. This feature also needs an additional GHS configuration in order to work in CKEditor 5.

  • Added bookmarks support

    Bookmarks are document regions associated with some name. They can be used, for example, to create links to fragments of a document. They are now supported by the Import from Word converter that represents them using an empty <a> element with the bookmark name saved in id and name attributes. Links to bookmarks are represented by URI fragments.

    Note that, presently, CKEditor 5 does not support bookmarks.

  • Added support for custom unordered list bullets

    Many Word documents contain custom bullets in unordered lists. The converter is used to transform them into the default circle bullet. Now, it preserves them in most common cases. However, non-standard symbol typefaces may sometimes produce unexpected results for now.

# Bug fixes

  • Trailing whitespace characters no longer preserve the background color

    Some whitespace characters (such as the regular space or the em space) do not have their background color rendered by Word when they are at the end of a text line. The converter now detects such characters when they are located either at the end of a paragraph or before a soft line break and strips background styling from them. Note that the converter cannot detect trailing whitespace characters at the end of arbitrary text lines as of now.

  • Emoji sequences with attached comments are no longer broken into parts

    Previously, the converter split emoji sequences into individual parts when a comment was attached to them. For example, the 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 emoji sequence with a comment attached to it would be split into 👩👩‍👦‍👦. It is correctly preserved now.

  • Fixed invalid conversion of list definitions using none numbering format

    List items that use the none numbering format and that do not have any additional numbering text are no longer outputted with the default circle bullet, but rather have no marker at all.

  • Fixed parsing of external images

    Images that were not embedded into a document itself used to cause conversion errors. Now, the converter correctly supports them.

  • Fixed comments conversion in empty tables

    Until now, comments attached to empty tables were not preserved. This is no longer the case. However, note that there’s still an open issue regarding comments in empty tables in CKEditor 5.

  • Preserved level definitions in multi-level lists

    Skipped list levels are no longer represented by lists with invisible markers, but rather by particular list items with invisible markers. This improves the editing experience of such lists in CKEditor because items inserted at previously skipped levels have their marker formats preserved now.

  • Improved handling of spaces

    The Import from Word converter follows the space behavior in HTML more strictly now. It also no longer eagerly transforms regular spaces into non-breaking ones. This improves line-wrapping behavior because in some cases, the styled text could cause unnecessary line wraps.

  • Improved HTML output for collaboration features

    The HTML produced for collaboration features has been optimized to reduce unnecessary styling duplications over content that has the same visual effect.

# Common changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.10.0 (2023-02-07)

# Export to Word

# Features

  • Added better support for complex suggestions nesting

    Significantly improved support for nested suggestions of both the insertion and deletion types.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed nested suggestions generating a broken document

    Nested suggestions of insertion and deletion types sometimes resulted in producing broken documents. After the fix, complex suggestions nesting is more stable.

  • Fixed various conversion issues caused by nesting content inside div elements

    In some cases, nesting content inside div elements resulted in producing broken documents or applying incorrect style over nested inline content. After the changes, content nested in div elements is properly recognized.

# Common changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.9.0 (2022-11-29)

# Export to Word

# Features

  • Added the base_url conversion option

    This option allows setting the base URL for resolving images’ and links’ relative URLs in the content, e.g. setting the base_url option to will result in resolving the /docs link as the one.

  • Added support for SVG images

    SVG images are now supported by the converter, both as base64 and URL links.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue where conversion of the style element inside other elements breaks conversion.

    After the fix, the style element can be placed inside other elements, e.g. a div and the CSS styles will be properly preserved.

# Import from Word

# Features

  • Added the config.collaboration_features.comments_styles configuration option

    It allows to choose one of the existing presets (none, basic, full), allowing to configure which comments’ styles should be converted.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed the issue where in rare cases imported tables had incorrect width

  • Fixed the issue where in rare cases text background turned black

  • Fixed incorrect parsing of suggestions that is applied to a link spanning over multiple blocks

  • Fixed emoji groups being split during the conversion

# Other changes

  • Reduced HTML payload size and improved its quality

    It was done by merging side CSS properties to CSS property shorthands.
    As an example, properties such as border-top, border-right, border-bottom, and border-left will be reduced to a single border property.

# Common changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.8.1 (2022-11-08)

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed incorrect log messages while using an unlimited license

    While using an unlimited license, notifications with information about overusage were present in the application logs.
    Now the logs are present only after exceeding the limits in case of a limited license.

# 1.8.0 (2022-11-02)

# Features

  • Added support for Import from Word

    Import from Word allows to convert a Word file into HTML code. Comments and suggestions will also be extracted.
    You will find more information about the feature in our on-line documentation.
    The feature requires a separate license. To start using it, please contact our sales or subscribe to our free 30-day trial.

# Other changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.7.4 (2022-10-18)

# Other changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.7.3 (2022-09-06)

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed incorrect handling of page breaks inside table cells

    Page breaks inside table cells were breaking document conversion. After the fix, page breaks are properly recognized in the produced Word documents.

  • Fixed conversion fails if figcaption was placed under a figure with a class attribute that lacks image or table class name

    When figcaption was placed under a figure with a class attribute that lacks an image class name, the conversion failed. After the fix, the conversion is successful and the figcaption is placed in the Word document.

  • Fixed conversion fails if a figcaption was placed inside a table figure element

    After the fix, table figcaption elements are ignored, no longer causing the conversion to fail.

# Other changes

  • Improved error messages

    Messages returned by document conversion provide better debugging experience to integrators if the conversion failed.

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.7.2 (2022-07-26)

# Other changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.7.1 (2022-06-14)

# Other changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.7.0 (2022-05-05)

# Features

  • Added support for specifying width of table cells and columns

    The width of table cells can be specified by the width style and the colgroup element.

  • Added support for ARM64v8 CPU architecture

    The Export to Word On-Premises Server can now be run on machines with the ARM64v8 CPU architecture.

# Other changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Selected dependencies have been updated to the latest versions, improving performance and security.

# 1.6.0 (2022-03-22)

# Features

  • Introduced auto paragraphing for orphan nodes

    Orphan text or inline nodes are automatically wrapped with paragraphs.

  • Added support for comments inside table cells

    Table cells show commented cell content if added.

  • Added support for suggestions inside table cells

    Table cells show cell content suggestions if added.

  • Improved features compatibility for older (<365) MS Word versions

    Documents with images in base64 format and tables are now correctly supported when opening documents with older MS Word versions (<365).

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed empty href in links breaking conversion

  • Fixed broken documents caused by invalid markup for comments

  • Fixed an issue where code snippets in table cells have an additional paragraph under a snippet

  • Fixed an issue where blockquote elements including plain text content broke document conversion

# Other changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Updated selected dependencies to the latest versions - improved the performance and security.

  • Cleaned up dependencies

  • Improved error messages

    Some of the errors now contain more detailed messages, including explanations and possible actions to solve the problem.

# 1.5.2 (2022-02-08)

# Other changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Updated selected dependencies to the latest versions - improved the performance and security.

# 1.5.1 (2022-01-18)

# Other changes

  • Update Node.js to version 16

  • Updated dependencies

    Updated selected dependencies to the latest versions - improved the performance and security.

# 1.5.0 (2021-11-16)

# Features

  • Added support for autoparagraphing plain text comments

    Comment content property was only accepting HTML content. From now on, it is possible to use plain text also, which helps with custom CKEditor 5 comments integration.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed incorrect generation of suggestions for new paragraphs

# Other changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Updated selected dependencies to the latest versions - improved the performance and security.
    From this version on, the Docker Engine 20.10 or higher is recommended.

  • Updated base docker image (Alpine Linux) from version 3.12 to 3.14

  • Added an orientation parameter to the demo page

# 1.4.0 (2021-10-05)

# Features

  • Added support for custom numbering in lists

    List styles supported in CKEditor 5 are also supported by the converter.

  • Enabled starting ordered lists from number other than 1

    Starting an order list from number other than 1 can be accomplished by providing a [start] attribute.

  • Added support for list indentation

    You can control the indentation of list elements by providing margin style.

  • Added support for table and table figure width

    You can control the width of table elements by providing width attribute or style.

  • Added support for page orientation

    Page orientation can be set using the options.orientation property, accepting portrait (default) and landscape values.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed documents broken due to inserting empty table cells or table cells with multiple spaces

  • Fixed conversion of images that are not inside a paragraph or a figure element

  • Fixed issue with suggestions spanning two paragraphs instead of ending on the first one

  • Fixed incorrect generation of suggestions for new paragraphs

# Other changes

  • Updated dependencies

    Updated selected dependencies to the latest versions - improved the performance and security.

# 1.3.0 (2021-08-24)

# Features

  • Increased maximum size of the HTML

    The service allows to convert HTML with the maximum size of the content 20 MB.

# Other changes

  • Improved logs readability

  • Updated dependencies

    Updated selected dependencies to the latest versions - improved the performance and security.

# 1.2.1 (2021-04-04)

# Features

  • Introduced support for inline images

    Inline images (images that are inside a paragraph) are now correctly rendered.

  • Introduced support for nested tables

    The converter now supports HTML with nested tables (tables inserted into other tables’ cells).

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed the header/footer CSS validation. CSS is now not obligatory

  • Fixed adjacent hrs rendering

  • Fixed the generation of documents containing div elements with table elements inside

  • Fixed the API section in the documentation

# Other changes

  • Cleaned up logs

    Removed stack traces, fixed data serialization and improved messages.

# 1.1.0 (2021-02-25)

# Features

  • Added validation for document’s margins

    Supported units: in, cm, mm, px.

  • Added support for auto pagination feature

    The auto pagination feature is enabled by default now.

  • Added a creation date for comments

    The created param is required for comments now.

  • Added the timezone option for a document

    Use the timezone option to set a document timezone. For example, if you use Comments and suggestions feature, created date time metadata will include the provided timezone option or UTC if the timezone option has not been set.

  • Added support for tables alignment

    Enabled support to align tables to left and right using CSS float property.

  • Added support for comments in suggestion threads

    Comments inside suggestion threads are preserved as a separate comment thread on the same range as suggestion.

  • Added support for the page number and total pages in document headers and footers

    Headers and footers support dynamic data like current page number and total page number. It can be inserted by using the special placeholder element in header/footer HTML. For current page number use and for total page number.

# Bug fixes

  • Fixed block quotes nested inside a table breaks a document

  • Fixed Horizontal line after or before a code block is rendered inside it

  • Fixed the styled text inside a link causes a link loss

# Other changes

  • Improved various document formatting to make it more similar to CKEditor 5 content

  • Improved demo page

    The demo page is now more readable and allows to use all available converter’s features.

  • Updated documentation

# 1.0.0 (2020-08-25)

# Features

  • Added On-Premise version of DOCX Converter.

    The service allows to convert HTML into DOCX documents via the REST API.

  • Added authorization.

    JWT authorization can be set with SECRET_KEY environment variable.