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class since 4.4.0

The class representing a widget style. It is an object like the styles handler for widgets.

Note: This custom style handler does not support all methods of the class. Not supported methods: applyToRange, removeFromRange, applyToObject.



  • since 4.0.0

    alwaysRemoveElement : Boolean

    Indicates that any matches element of this style will be eventually removed when calling CKEDITOR.editor.removeStyle.

    Defaults to false

  • since 4.6.2

    group : Array

    An array of groups that this style belongs to. Styles assigned to the same group cannot be combined.

  • since 3.5.0

    includeReadonly : Boolean

    Indicates that fully selected read-only elements will be included when applying the style (for inline styles only).

    Defaults to false

  • since 4.15.0 inherited

    unstylableElements : String[]

    List of all elements that are ignored during styling.

    Defaults to []

  • widget : String

    The name of widget to which this style can be applied. It is extracted from style definition's widget property.


  • constructor( styleDefinition, variablesValues ) → style

    Creates a style class instance.


    styleDefinition : definition
    variablesValues : Object


  • inherited

    apply( editor )

    Applies the style on the editor's current selection.

    Before the style is applied, the method checks if the style is applicable.

    Note: The recommended way of applying the style is by using the CKEDITOR.editor.applyStyle method, which is a shorthand for this method.


    editor : editor | document

    The editor instance in which the style will be applied. A CKEDITOR.dom.document instance is accepted for backward compatibility reasons, although since CKEditor 4.4.0 this type of argument is deprecated. Read more about the signature change in the documentation.

  • inherited

    applyToObject( element, editor )

    Applies the style to the element. This method bypasses all checks and applies the style attributes directly on the provided element. Use with caution.

    See CKEDITOR.editor.applyStyle.


    element : element
    editor : editor

    The editor instance. Required argument since CKEditor 4.4. The style system will work without it, but it is highly recommended to provide it for integration with all features. Read more about the signature change in the documentation.

  • inherited

    applyToRange( range, editor )

    Applies the style on the provided range. Unlike apply this method does not take care of setting the selection, however, the range is updated to the correct place.

    Note: If you want to apply the style on the editor selection, you probably want to use CKEDITOR.editor.applyStyle.


    range : range
    editor : editor

    The editor instance. Required argument since CKEditor 4.4. The style system will work without it, but it is highly recommended to provide it for integration with all features. Read more about the signature change in the documentation.

  • inherited

    buildPreview( [ label ] ) → String

    Builds the preview HTML based on the styles definition.


    [ label ] : String

    The label used in the style preview.



    The HTML of preview.

  • inherited

    checkActive( elementPath, editor ) → Boolean

    Gets the style state inside the elements path.


    elementPath : elementPath
    editor : editor

    The editor instance. Required argument since CKEditor 4.4. The style system will work without it, but it is highly recommended to provide it for integration with all features. Read more about the signature change in the documentation.



    true if the element is active in the elements path.

  • inherited

    checkApplicable( elementPath, editor, [ filter ] ) → Boolean

    Whether this style can be applied at the specified elements path.


    elementPath : elementPath

    The elements path to check the style against.

    editor : editor

    The editor instance. Required argument since CKEditor 4.4. The style system will work without it, but it is highly recommended to provide it for integration with all features. Read more about the signature change in the documentation.

    [ filter ] : filter

    If defined, the style will be checked against this filter as well.



    true if this style can be applied at the elements path.

  • checkElement( element ) → Boolean

    Checks if an element is a wrapper of a widget whose name matches the widget name specified in the style definition.


    element : element


  • inherited

    checkElementMatch( element, fullMatch, editor ) → Boolean

    Checks if the element matches the current style definition.


    element : element
    fullMatch : Boolean
    editor : editor

    The editor instance. Required argument since CKEditor 4.4. The style system will work without it, but it is highly recommended to provide it for integration with all features. Read more about the signature change in the documentation.


  • inherited

    checkElementRemovable( element, fullMatch, editor ) → Boolean

    Checks if an element, or any of its attributes, is removable by the current style definition.


    element : element
    fullMatch : Boolean
    editor : editor

    The editor instance. Required argument since CKEditor 4.4. The style system will work without it, but it is highly recommended to provide it for integration with all features. Read more about the signature change in the documentation.


  • getClassesArray() → String[]

    Returns classes defined in the style in form of an array.


  • since 4.1.0 inherited

    getDefinition() → Object

    Returns the style definition.


  • inherited

    remove( editor )

    Removes the style from the editor's current selection.

    Before the style is applied, the method checks if style could be applied.

    Note: The recommended way of removing the style is by using the CKEDITOR.editor.removeStyle method, which is a shorthand for this method.


    editor : editor | document

    The editor instance in which the style will be removed. A CKEDITOR.dom.document instance is accepted for backward compatibility reasons, although since CKEditor 4.4.0 this type of argument is deprecated. Read more about the signature change in the documentation.

  • inherited

    removeFromRange( range, editor )

    Removes the style from the provided range. Unlike remove this method does not take care of setting the selection, however, the range is updated to the correct place.

    Note: If you want to remove the style from the editor selection, you probably want to use CKEDITOR.editor.removeStyle.


    range : range
    editor : editor

    The editor instance. Required argument since CKEditor 4.4. The style system will work without it, but it is highly recommended to provide it for integration with all features. Read more about the signature change in the documentation.

  • since 4.6.2

    removeStylesFromSameGroup( editor ) → Boolean

    Removes all styles that belong to the same group as this style. This method will neither add nor remove the current style. Returns true if any style was removed, otherwise returns false.


    editor : editor


  • since 4.4.0 inherited

    toAllowedContentRules( [ editor ] ) → allowedContentRules

    If defined (for example by custom style handler), it returns the allowed content rules which should be added to the CKEDITOR.filter when enabling this style.

    Note: This method is not defined in the class.


    [ editor ] : editor

    The editor instance.



    The rules that should represent this style in the CKEDITOR.filter.

Static methods

  • since 4.4.0 inherited static

    addCustomHandler( definition ) → style

    Creates a subclass and registers it in the style system. Registered class will be used as a handler for a style of this type. This allows to extend the styles system, which by default uses only the, with new functionality. Registered classes are accessible in the

    The Style Class Definition

    The definition object is used to override properties in a prototype inherited from the class. It must contain a type property which is a name of the new type and therefore it must be unique. The default style types (STYLE_BLOCK, STYLE_INLINE, and STYLE_OBJECT) are integers, but for easier identification it is recommended to use strings as custom type names.

    Besides type, the definition may contain two more special properties:

    • setup {Function} – An optional callback executed when a style instance is created. Like the style constructor, it is executed in style context and with the style definition as an argument.
    • assignedTo {Number} – Can be set to one of the default style types. Some editor features like the Styles drop-down assign styles to one of the default groups based on the style type. By using this property it is possible to notify them to which group this custom style should be assigned. It defaults to the CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT.

    Other properties of the definition object will just be used to extend the prototype inherited from the class. So if the definition contains an apply method, it will override the apply method.


    Registering a basic handler:

    var styleClass = {
        type: 'custom'
    } );
    var style = new styleClass( { ... } );
    style instanceof styleClass; // -> true
    style instanceof; // -> true
    style.type; // -> 'custom'

    The constructor used as a factory:

    var styleClass = {
        type: 'custom'
    } );
    // Style constructor accepts style definition (do not confuse with style class definition).
    var style = new { type: 'custom', attributes: ... } );
    style instanceof styleClass; // -> true

    Thanks to that, integration code using styles does not need to know which style handler it should use. It is determined by the constructor.

    Overriding existing methods:

    var styleClass = {
        type: 'custom',
        apply: function( editor ) {
            console.log( 'apply' );
        remove: function( editor ) {
            console.log( 'remove' );
    } );
    var style = new { type: 'custom', attributes: ... } );
    editor.applyStyle( style ); // logged 'apply'
    style = new { element: 'img', attributes: { 'class': 'foo' } } );
    editor.applyStyle( style ); // style is really applied if image was selected
    Practical Recommendations

    The style handling job, which includes such tasks as applying, removing, checking state, and checking if a style can be applied, is very complex. Therefore without deep knowledge about DOM and especially ranges and DOM walker it is impossible to implement a completely custom style handler able to handle block, inline, and object type styles. However, it is possible to customize the default implementation by overriding default methods and reusing them.

    The only style handler which can be implemented from scratch without huge effort is a style applicable to objects (read more about types). Such style can only be applied when a specific object is selected. An example implementation can be found in the widget plugin.

    When implementing a style handler from scratch at least the following methods must be defined:


    definition : Object

    The style class definition.



    The new style class created for the provided definition.

  • inherited static

    getStyleText( styleDefinition ) → String

    Builds the inline style text based on the style definition.


    styleDefinition : Object



    Inline style text.