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class singleton

Holds and object representation of the HTML DTD to be used by the editor in its internal operations.

Each element in the DTD is represented by a property in this object. Each property contains the list of elements that can be contained by the element. Text is represented by the # property.

Several special grouping properties are also available. Their names start with the $ character.

// Check if <div> can be contained in a <p> element.
alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd[ 'p' ][ 'div' ] ); // false

// Check if <p> can be contained in a <div> element.
alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd[ 'div' ][ 'p' ] ); // true

// Check if <p> is a block element.
alert( !!CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ 'p' ] ); // true

It is also possible to add a new element to DTD. It will ensure it is handled correctly e.g. in terms of nesting or positioning.

For example, you can define a block element, which can be empty:

// Let's add a DTD for a new element <signature>
// and specify it can contain <p> and <img> elements:
CKEDITOR.dtd[ 'signature' ] = {
    p: 1,
    img: 1

 // Define <signature> as a block element.
CKEDITOR.dtd.$block[ 'signature' ] = 1;

// Allow <signature> element to be empty.
CKEDITOR.dtd.$empty[ 'signature' ] = 1;

Note: Editing the DTD for existing elements is also possible this way, but may cause an unexpected outcome and inconsistent editing behaviour, so it is not recommended.



  • $block : Object

    List of block elements, like <p> or <div>.

  • $blockLimit : Object

    List of elements that contain other blocks, in which block-level operations should be limited, this property is not intended to be checked directly, use CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath.blockLimit instead.

    Some examples of editor behaviors that are impacted by block limits:

    • Enter key never split a block-limit element;
    • Style application is constraint by the block limit of the current selection.
    • Pasted html will be inserted into the block limit of the current selection.

    Note: As an exception <li> is not considered as a block limit, as it's generally used as a text block.

    Defaults to {article: 1, aside: 1, audio: 1, body: 1, caption: 1, details: 1, dir: 1, div: 1, dl: 1, fieldset: 1, figcaption: 1, figure: 1, footer: 1, form: 1, header: 1, hgroup: 1, main: 1, menu: 1, nav: 1, ol: 1, section: 1, table: 1, td: 1, th: 1, tr: 1, ul: 1, video: 1}

  • $cdata : Object

    List of elements that contain character data.

    Defaults to {script: 1, style: 1}

  • $editable : Object

    List of elements that are accepted as inline editing hosts.

    Defaults to {address: 1, article: 1, aside: 1, blockquote: 1, body: 1, details: 1, div: 1, fieldset: 1, figcaption: 1, footer: 1, form: 1, h1: 1, h2: 1, h3: 1, h4: 1, h5: 1, h6: 1, header: 1, hgroup: 1, main: 1, nav: 1, p: 1, pre: 1, section: 1}

  • $empty : Object

    List of empty (self-closing) elements, like <br> or <img>.

    Defaults to {area: 1, base: 1, basefont: 1, br: 1, col: 1, command: 1, dialog: 1, embed: 1, hr: 1, img: 1, input: 1, isindex: 1, keygen: 1, link: 1, meta: 1, param: 1, source: 1, track: 1, wbr: 1}

  • $inline : Object

    List of inline (<span> like) elements.

  • $intermediate : Object

    List of elements that are not to exist standalone that must live under it's parent element.

    Defaults to {caption: 1, colgroup: 1, dd: 1, dt: 1, figcaption: 1, legend: 1, li: 1, optgroup: 1, option: 1, rp: 1, rt: 1, summary: 1, tbody: 1, td: 1, tfoot: 1, th: 1, thead: 1, tr: 1}

  • $list : Object

    List of list root elements.

    Defaults to {dl: 1, ol: 1, ul: 1}

  • $listItem : Object

    List of list item elements, like <li> or <dd>.

    Defaults to {dd: 1, dt: 1, li: 1}

  • $nonBodyContent : Object

    List of elements which may live outside body.

  • $nonEditable : Object

    Elements that accept text nodes, but are not possible to edit into the browser.

    Defaults to {applet: 1, audio: 1, button: 1, embed: 1, iframe: 1, map: 1, object: 1, option: 1, param: 1, script: 1, textarea: 1, video: 1}

  • $object : Object

    Elements that are considered objects, therefore selected as a whole in the editor.

    Defaults to {applet: 1, audio: 1, button: 1, hr: 1, iframe: 1, img: 1, input: 1, object: 1, select: 1, table: 1, textarea: 1, video: 1}

  • $removeEmpty : Object

    List of elements that can be ignored if empty, like <b> or <span>.

    Defaults to {abbr: 1, acronym: 1, b: 1, bdi: 1, bdo: 1, big: 1, cite: 1, code: 1, del: 1, dfn: 1, em: 1, font: 1, i: 1, ins: 1, label: 1, kbd: 1, mark: 1, meter: 1, output: 1, q: 1, ruby: 1, s: 1, samp: 1, small: 1, span: 1, strike: 1, strong: 1, sub: 1, sup: 1, time: 1, tt: 1, u: 1, 'var': 1}

  • $tabIndex : Object

    List of elements that have tabindex set to zero by default.

    Defaults to {a: 1, area: 1, button: 1, input: 1, object: 1, select: 1, textarea: 1}

  • $tableContent : Object

    List of elements used inside the <table> element, like <tbody> or <td>.

    Defaults to {caption: 1, col: 1, colgroup: 1, tbody: 1, td: 1, tfoot: 1, th: 1, thead: 1, tr: 1}

  • $transparent : Object

    List of "transparent" elements. See W3C's definition of "transparent" element.

    Defaults to {a: 1, audio: 1, canvas: 1, del: 1, ins: 1, map: 1, noscript: 1, object: 1, video: 1}