CKEditor 4 reached its End of Life (EOL) in June 2023. From then on, it will receive no more updates, new features, bug fixes, and security patches. Visit CKEditor 5 Docs for the actively supported CKEditor or check Extended Support Model.
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class abstract

This is an abstract class that describes the definition of a widget. It is a type of CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.repository.add method's second argument.

Widget instances inherit from registered widget definitions, although not in a prototypal way. They are simply extended with corresponding widget definitions. Note that not all properties of the widget definition become properties of a widget. Some, like data or edit, become widget's events listeners.



  • allowedContent : allowedContentRules

    HTML code that can be generated by this feature.

    For example a basic image feature (image button displaying the image dialog window) may allow 'img[!src,alt,width,height]'.

    During the feature activation this value is passed to CKEDITOR.filter.allow.

    Defaults to null

  • button : String

    The label for the widget toolbar button.

    editor.widgets.add( 'simplebox', {
        button: 'Create a simple box'
    } );
    editor.widgets.add( 'simplebox', {
        button: editor.lang.simplebox.title
    } );
  • contentForms : Object

    Feature content forms to be registered in the CKEDITOR.editor.filter during the feature activation.

    See CKEDITOR.filter.addContentForms for more details.

    Defaults to null

  • contentTransformations : Object

    Transformations (usually for content generated by this feature, but not necessarily) that will be registered in the CKEDITOR.editor.filter during the feature activation.

    See CKEDITOR.filter.addTransformations for more details.

    Defaults to null

  • data : Function

    If set, it will be added as the event listener. This means that it will be executed every time the widget data changes.

  • defaults : Object

    The data object which will be used to populate the data of a newly created widget. See

    defaults: {
        showCaption: true,
        align: 'none'
  • dialog : String

    The name of a dialog window which will be opened on CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.edit. If not defined, then the CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.edit method will not perform any action and widget's command will insert a new widget without opening a dialog window first.

  • downcast : String | Function

    The function to be used to downcast this widget or a name of the downcast option from the downcasts object.

    The downcast function will be executed in the CKEDITOR.plugins.widget context and with widgetElement (CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element) argument which is the widget's main element.

    The function may return an instance of the CKEDITOR.htmlParser.node class if the widget needs to be downcasted to a different node than the widget's main element.

  • downcasts : Object

    The object containing functions which can be used to downcast this widget. Only the one pointed by the downcast property will be used.

    In most cases it is appropriate to use downcast directly, because majority of widgets have just one variant of downcasting (or none at all). However, in some cases the widget author may want to expose more than one variant and then this property may be used.

    downcasts: {
        // This downcast may transform the widget into the figure element.
        figure: function() {
            // ...
        // This downcast may transform the widget into the image element with data-* attributes.
        image: function() {
            // ...
    // Then, the widget user may choose one of the downcast options when setting up his editor.
    editor.on( 'widgetDefinition', function( evt ) {
        if ( == 'image' )
       = 'figure';
    } );
  • draggable : Boolean

    Whether the widget should be draggable. Defaults to true. If set to false, the drag handler will not be displayed when hovering the widget.

  • edit : Function

    If set, it will be added as the CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.edit event listener. This means that it will be executed when a widget is being edited. See the CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.edit method.

  • editables : Object

    An object containing definitions of nested editables (editable name => CKEDITOR.plugins.widget.nestedEditable.definition). Note that editables have to be defined in the same order as they are in DOM / template. Otherwise errors will occur when nesting widgets inside each other.

    editables: {
        header: 'h1',
        content: {
            selector: 'div.content',
            allowedContent: 'p strong em; a[!href]'
  • getLabel : Function

    The function used to obtain an accessibility label for the widget. It might be used to make the widget labels as precise as possible, since it has access to the widget instance.

    If not specified, the default implementation will use the pathName or the main element tag name.

  • init : Function

    The method executed while initializing a widget, after a widget instance is created, but before it is ready. It is executed before the first is fired so it is common to use the init method to populate widget data with information loaded from the DOM, like for exmaple:

    init: function() {
        this.setData( 'width', this.element.getStyle( 'width' ) );
        if ( 'display' ) != 'none' )
            this.setData( 'showCaption', true );
  • inline : Boolean

    If set to true/false, it will force the widget to be either an inline or a block widget. If not set, the widget type will be determined from the widget element.

    Widget type influences whether a block (<div>) or an inline (<span>) element is used for the wrapper.

  • insert : Function

    The method to be executed when the widget's command is executed in order to insert a new widget (widget of this type is not focused). If not defined, then the default action will be performed which means that:


    options : Object

    Options object added in 4.11.0.

  • mask : Boolean | String

    If set to true, the widget's element will be covered with a transparent mask. This will prevent its content from being clickable, which matters in case of special elements like embedded iframes that generate a separate "context".

    If the value is a string type, then the partial mask covering only the given widget part is created instead. The string mask should point to the name of one of the widget parts.

    Note: Partial mask is available since the 4.13.0 version.

  • name : String

    Widget definition name. It is automatically set when the definition is registered.

  • parts : Object

    An object containing definitions of widget components (part name => CSS selector).

    parts: {
        image: 'img',
        caption: 'div.caption'
  • pathName : String

    The widget name displayed in the elements path.

  • requiredContent : contentRule

    Minimal HTML code that this feature must be allowed to generate in order to work.

    For example a basic image feature (image button displaying the image dialog window) needs 'img[src,alt]' in order to be activated.

    During the feature validation this value is passed to CKEDITOR.filter.check.

    If this value is not provided, a feature will be always activated.

    Defaults to null

  • since 4.4.0

    styleToAllowedContentRules : Function

    Function transforming custom widget's instance into CKEDITOR.filter.allowedContentRules. It may be used when a static styleableElements property is not enough to inform the CKEDITOR.filter what HTML features should be enabled when allowing the given style.

    In most cases, when style's classes just have to be added to element name(s) used by the widget element, it is recommended to use simpler styleableElements property.

    In order to get parsed classes from the style definition you can use

    For example, if you want to use the object format of allowed content rules, to specify match validator, your implementation could look like this:

    editor.widgets.add( 'customWidget', {
        // ...
        styleToAllowedContentRules: funciton( style ) {
            // Retrieve classes defined in the style.
            var classes = style.getClassesArray();
            // Do something crazy - for example return allowed content rules in object format,
            // with custom match property and propertiesOnly flag.
            return {
                h1: {
                    match: isWidgetElement,
                    propertiesOnly: true,
                    classes: classes
    } );


    style : widget

    The style to be transformed.

  • since 4.4.0

    styleableElements : String

    Names of element(s) (separated by spaces) for which the CKEDITOR.filter should allow classes defined in the widget styles. For example, if your widget is upcasted from a simple <div> element, then in order to make it styleable you can set:

    editor.widgets.add( 'customWidget', {
        upcast: function( element ) {
            return == 'div';
        // ...
        styleableElements: 'div'
    } );

    Then, when the following style is defined:

        name: 'Thick border', type: 'widget', widget: 'customWidget',
        attributes: { 'class': 'thickBorder' }

    a rule allowing the thickBorder class for div elements will be registered in the CKEDITOR.filter.

    If you need to have more freedom when transforming widget style to allowed content rules, you can use the styleToAllowedContentRules callback.

  • template : String

    The template which will be used to create a new widget element (when the widget's command is executed). This string is populated with default values by using the CKEDITOR.template format. Therefore it has to be a valid CKEDITOR.template argument.

  • upcast : String | Function

    The function to be used to upcast an element to this widget or a comma-separated list of upcast methods from the upcasts object.

    The upcast function is not executed in the widget context (because the widget does not exist yet), however, it is executed in the widget's definition context. Two arguments are passed to the upcast function:

    • element (CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element) – The element to be checked.
    • data (Object) – The object which can be extended with data which will then be passed to the widget.

    An element will be upcasted if a function returned true or an instance of a CKEDITOR.htmlParser.element if upcasting meant DOM structure changes (in this case the widget will be initialized on the returned element).

  • since 4.5.0

    upcastPriority : Number

    The upcast method(s) priority. The upcast with a lower priority number will be called before the one with a higher number. The default priority is 10.

    Defaults to 10

  • upcasts : Object

    The object containing functions which can be used to upcast this widget. Only those pointed by the upcast property will be used.

    In most cases it is appropriate to use upcast directly, because majority of widgets need just one method. However, in some cases the widget author may want to expose more than one variant and then this property may be used.

    upcasts: {
        // This function may upcast only figure elements.
        figure: function() {
            // ...
        // This function may upcast only image elements.
        image: function() {
            // ...
        // More variants...
    // Then, widget user may choose which upcast methods will be enabled.
    editor.on( 'widgetDefinition', function( evt ) {
        if ( == 'image' )
       = 'figure,image'; // Use both methods.
    } );


  • since 4.13.0

    getClipboardHtml() → String

    Customizes widget HTML copied to the clipboard during copy, cut and drop operations.

    If not set, the current widget HTML will be used instead.

    Note: This method will overwrite the HTML for the whole widget, including any nested widgets.



    Widget HTML.

  • toFeature() → feature

    Returns a feature that this feature needs to register.

    In some cases, during activation, one feature may need to register another feature. For example a CKEDITOR.ui.button often registers a related command. See CKEDITOR.ui.button.toFeature.

    This method is executed when a feature is passed to the CKEDITOR.editor.addFeature.

