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guideCKEditor 4 Testing Environment (Bender.js)

An advanced project like CKEditor 4 could not exist without a set of automated tests. CKEditor 4 uses Bender.js, our in-house JavaScript Test Framework, to cover code with tests. Not every feature can be tested automatically, but for those that can, we always implement tests. We encourage you to do the same when you create a pull request on GitHub or fork the CKEditor 4 repository in order to customize some editor behavior.

# Setting up Bender.js

To run CKEditor 4 tests you will need Bender.js. Before you start installing Bender.js make sure that:

  • you installed Git,
  • you installed Node.js version 10 (Bender could work incorrectly with newer versions),
  • you have administrative rights — needed to install Bender.js globally.

First, you need to install globally the Bender.js command line interface. To do so, open the console and use npm install:

> npm install -g benderjs-cli

Note: You may need administrative rights to do this (e.g. sudo).

Now you can check whether Bender.js has installed properly. If you run Bender.js in the console:

> bender

you should see the following message:

Local Bender.js installation not found.

# Setting up CKEditor 4 Tests

When Bender.js is installed you need to set up the CKEditor 4 tests project.

First of all, you need to clone the CKEditor development repository hosted at GitHub:

> git clone

Go to the main CKEditor 4 directory (it should contain the bender.js, package.json files, among others, and the tests/ directory):

> cd ckeditor4

You will now need to install the Bender.js engine (benderjs-cli installed globally uses a local benderjs module) and all required modules, like the Sinon.JS plugin for Bender.js. To do so use:

> npm install

Then you need to initialize the Bender project:

> bender init

This command will create the .bender/ directory which contains Bender.js’s cache, databases, and a local configuration file.

You do not need to perform any additional configuration steps as bender.js is a configuration file. It contains information about which tests should be run and where they are located.

# Running CKEditor 4 Tests

In order to run the tests, open the console and type:

> bender server run

This will start the server in the verbose mode.

If you want to run tests from other hosts, like virtual machines, you may need to use the -H option.

Now open a web browser. Bender.js dashboard is available under:


Note: You can also run the server as a daemon:

> bender server start

At the moment, starting a daemon is supported on Unix systems only.

If you want, you can specify a port or a hostname where Bender.js runs:

-p, --port        The port on which the server will run (default: 1030).
-H, --hostname    The hostname used to run the server (default: localhost).

Some tests require the browser to be in focus. This means that you can not use other applications when running them.

Please note that at the moment some random tests may fail in Internet Explorer. This is a known issue; however, if you run them again (when opened directly), they should pass. If a test fails a few times in a row, it is a sign that something went wrong. Report a CKEditor issue on our GitHub issues page in such case. Remember to include a link to the failing test and information about the browser in which it fails.

# CKEditor 4 Tests Structure

In the Bender.js dashboard you can run all (or part) of the tests located in the CKEditor 4 tests/ directory. These tests are organized into subdirectories based on what they are testing:

        (design tests for editor adapters, located in the adapters/ folder)
        (design tests for editor core features, located in the core/ folder)
        (design tests for editor plugins, located in the plugins/ folder)
        (functional tests for specific tickets ( which are not
            related to any specific features or are related to multiple features and plugins)

As long as a test is related to a particular feature or a plugin, it should be put into the adapters/, core/, or plugins/ directory. Ticket tests are most difficult to manage so the tickets/ directory should only contain the tests that do not match any of these primary locations.

Apart from the directories mentioned above, the main tests/ directory or any subdirectory may contain three special folders:

  • _assets/ – Contains all assets used by the tests and the files that the tests need, like images, external libraries (like MathJax, jQuery.form), dialogs, mocks.
  • _helpers/ – Contains all functions used to test, tools for testing, test generators.
  • _docs/ – Contains notes about how tests work. It is rarely used as more often test documentation is located in the same file and inserted as a code comment.

Every file which is not placed in any of these special directories is considered a test file.

# Creating Your Own Test

To create a new CKEditor 4 test, you need to put a JavaScript file into any of the CKEditor 4 tests/ subdirectories (adapters/, core/, plugins/ or tickets/). Such file will be automatically added to the list of tests.

To improve test filtering, a test file may start with a list of tags, marked by using the bender-tags meta comment. Additionally, every folder in the test’s path is automatically added as a filter, so for example if you created a test for the jQuery adapter and placed it in the tests/adapters/jquery directory, you do not need to add adapters and jquery to the tags list.

# Test Requirements

In every test you can specify the list of plugins which will be loaded by using the bender-ckeditor-plugins meta comment. Remember that loading redundant plugins will increase the time consumed by the test.

Please note that some CKEditor 4 plugins are needed for reasons that might not be immediately obvious, for example:

If the editor behaves differently when testing and during development, try to add all plugins you use during the development (you can find such list in the config.js file) and then remove redundant ones. Please note that adding all existing CKEditor plugins might not be a good solution since, for example, the BBCode plugin will strip HTML in your output.

# Tagging Tests

Each test should be properly tagged, so it is easy to group and filter them. Tags should be added using the bender-tags meta comment, like:

/* bender-tags: editor */
// Rest of the file...

In case of unit tests the bender-tags meta comment should be placed in the *.js file and in the *.md file for manual tests.

# Common Tags Used in Tests

  • <number> (optional) – A reference to the GitHub issue ID.
  • trac<number> (optional) – A reference to the Trac issue ID.
  • <custom> (editor by default), e.g. word, selection – A specific area or function of the editor covered by tests.

# For Manual Tests Only

  • bug/feature – A test covers a bug fix or a new feature.
  • <CKEditor version>, e.g. 4.6.2, 4.7.0 – A targeted version of CKEditor by this given patch (usually means an upcoming minor or major release).

There might be a situation where a single *.js file contains many tests and referencing a specific issue in bender-tags might be misleading. In such cases, the issue should be referenced right before the specific test which covers the issue:

// (#<number>)
'test case scenario 1...'

or with an additional comment:

// Additional comment (#<number>).
'test case scenario 2...'

If there is a need to reference a Trac issue instead of the GitHub one, full URL should be used:

// (<number>)
'test some Trac issue scenario 1...'

// Additional comment (<number>).
'test some Trac issue scenario 2...'

# Test Tools

CKEditor tests use the YUI library for assertions provided by the Bender.js YUI plugin.

The testing environment provides a bunch of tools useful when creating tests and the Editor Bot which helps you create and manage an editor instance.

# Sample Test File

A sample CKEditor 4 test file might look like this:

/* bender-tags: editor */
/* bender-ckeditor-plugins: toolbar,basicstyles */

'use strict';

bender.test( {
    'test initial selection after setData': function() {
        bender.editorBot.create( {
            startupData: '<p>Lorem <b>[ipsum]</b></p>'
        }, function( bot ) {
            // Many selection-related tests may require focusing the editor.

            assert.areSame( '<p>^Lorem <strong>[ipsum]</strong></p>',
                bot.htmlWithSelection() );
        } );

    'test some other case': function() {
        // ...

    // ...
} );

For every test you can create an HTML file with the same name (so for yourtest.js you can create yourtest.html). Such file will be automatically combined with your JavaScript code by DOM combiner to create an output test file. If the HTML file does not exist, the output test file will have an empty <body> section.

In the HTML file you can put the content of the <body> section, so it may look like this:

<textarea id="editor">Lorem ipsum</textarea>

If you need, you can add the entire content of the <html> page element, for example to set some attributes or add a <head> section:

    <script src="_helpers/tools.js"></script>
    <textarea id="editor">Lorem ipsum</textarea>

To learn more about writing tests, check the existing tests code.