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Code Documentation Standards

Starting from version 4 CKEditor uses a customized version of JSDuck as code documentation generator; previously JSDoc was used.

JSDuck’s comment format differs from JSDoc’s and both generators have different feature lists. Thus, with CKEditor 4 release, the entire source code documentation was reformatted in a new, consistent way.

The resulting CKEditor API documentation is always available at

# JSDuck vs JSDoc — Important Differences

  • JSDuck supports Markdown. HTML entities may still be used, but try to avoid them in favor of Markdown. Note that HTML in code samples and pre-formatted will be encoded.
  • JSDuck does not accept the following tags: @namespace, @name, @constant, @augments, @field, @type (deprecated), @default and more (only those that CKEditor 3 was using are listed).
  • JSDuck accepts some new tags: @cfg, @member, @chainable, @inherits, @method, @mixins, @readonly, @singleton, and more.
  • Some common tags have different format in JSDuck (e.g. @example creates live examples, standard code samples are just indented).
  • JSDuck does not parse code searching for classes and properties. It will therefore only find those API elements which have at least their preceding /** */ doc comments.
  • JSDuck recognizes API element names (methods, classes, events, configuration variables, properties, etc.), method definitions (with argument lists), and properties (their type and default value, too, if possible). Thus, in some cases this information does not have to be specified.
  • Classes’ definitions can be opened multiple times — it is useful when class methods and properties are defined in more than one file or place in the code.
  • There is no list of files in JSDuck, so old @license and @fileOverview tags are kept for other purposes (and thanks to custom tags they work in JSDuck like @ignore).
  • There are no namespaces in JSDuck, so the packages tree is auto-generated based on the classes tree and @member tags.
  • All properties, events, etc. defined under the class definition will be assigned to this class, so there is no need to specify @member.

# Documentation Formats

# File Header

The @license and @fileOverview tags are legacy comments that will not be parsed by JSDuck.

 * @license Copyright (c) 2003-2025, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
 * For licensing, see or

 * @fileOverview Defines the {@linkapi CKEDITOR.editor} class that represents an
 * editor instance.

Note: Since @fileOverview comments are ignored, they have not been reformatted, so they may still contain the old JSDoc format.

# Class

This is an example of a class definition. It contains so many tags to show their correct order.

 * Represents an editor instance. This constructor should be rarely
 * used, in favor of the {@linkapi CKEDITOR} editor creation functions.
 * ```js
 *    var editor = new {@linkapi CKEDITOR.editor}();
 *        editor.setSomething( name, {
 *        value: 1
 *    } );
 * ```
 * @since 3.0
 * @private
 * @class {@linkapi CKEDITOR.editor}
 * @extends {@linkapi CKEDITOR.parent}
 * @mixins {@linkapi CKEDITOR.event}
 * @mixins {@linkapi CKEDITOR.whatever}
 * @constructor Creates an editor class instance.
 * @param {Object} [instanceConfig] Configuration values for this specific instance.
 * @param {Number} [mode={@linkapi CKEDITOR.SOURCE_MODE}] The element creation mode to be used by this editor.
 * Possible values are:
 * * {@linkapi CKEDITOR.SOURCE_MODE} - description 1,
 * * {@linkapi CKEDITOR.WYSIWYG_MODE} - description 2 long long long
 *      long long long long long,
 * * CKEDITOR.ANOTHER_MODE - description 3.
 * @param {CKEDITOR.dom.element} [element] The DOM element upon which this editor
 * will be created.
CKEDITOR.editor = function( ) {
// ...

A minimal class documentation:

 * Represents an editor instance. This constructor should be rarely
 * used, in favor of the {@linkapi CKEDITOR} editor creation functions.
 * @class
CKEDITOR.editor = function() {
// ...

When you want to reopen the class declaration in another file, use this:

/** @class {@linkapi CKEDITOR.editor} */

# Details

The order of tags may look strange, but you can remember it thanks to the following description:

Since 3.0 there is a private class CKEDITOR.editor which extends CKEDITOR.parent and mixins CKEDITOR.event and CKEDITOR.whatever.

It has a private constructor (switched order — explained later in the tags list) which accepts the following parameters: …

Important tag details:

  • By default private classes will not be visible in the packages tree.

  • A good example of the difference between “mixins” and “extends” is that event is mixed in various other classes and the CKEDITOR.dom.* structure is based on extending parent classes.

  • A constructor is in fact a separate documentation “instance”, because it will be listed with methods. Thus, it may have its own @private, but it has to be placed below it, because everything before will be a part of the class description. However, two @private tags in one comment will not be accepted by JSLinter, so in this case the documentation should be split into two comments.

    A constructor can also be declared completely independently from the class, which is useful when has been used.

# Property and Configuration Variable

The following is an example of property documentation.

 * A unique identifier of this editor instance.
 * **Note:** It will be originated from the ID or the name
 * attribute of the `element`, otherwise a name pattern of
 * 'editor{n}' will be used.
 * @private
 * @readonly
 * @static
 * @property {String/Boolean} [complicatedName=default value]
 * @member {@linkapi CKEDITOR.editor}
obj[ 'complicated' + 'Name' ] = || genEditorName();

A minimal property documentation:

 * Property description (even this may be omitted, but it is better to always describe a property).
this.propertyName = 'value';

Which will be recognized as @property {String} [propertyName='value'] by JSDuck and will be assigned to the class defined earlier in the file.


 * Property description.
 * @property {String} [=config.something (value taken from configuration)]
this.propertyName = this.config.something;


 * Property description.
 * @property propertyName
this.propertyName = this.config.something;

# Details

  • JSDuck type definitions are awesome — read more about them.
  • Property names, types, and default values may be recognized automatically.
  • The default value does not have to be JavaScript code, so in the “Partial” example JSDuck will print: “Defaults to: config.something (value taken from configuration)”.
  • If a property is not defined below a class definition or if it belongs to a different class, then @member has to be used. Specifying a namespace in @property is not possible.

# Configuration Variables

To define a configuration variable instead of a property:

  • Use @cfg instead of @property. The format is the same.
  • @private, @readonly, @static may not work (have not been tested).

# Method and Event

The following is an example of method documentation.

 * The {@linkapi CKEDITOR.dom.element} representing an element. If the
 * element is a native DOM element, it will be transformed into a valid
 * {@linkapi CKEDITOR.dom.element} object.
 * ```js
 *    var element = new {@linkapi CKEDITOR.dom.element}( 'span' );
 *    alert( element == {@linkapi CKEDITOR.dom.element.get}( element ) ); // true
 *    var element = document.getElementById( 'myElement' );
 *    alert( {@linkapi CKEDITOR.dom.element.get}( element ).getName() ); // (e.g.) 'p'
 * ```
 * @private
 * @static
 * @method complicatedName
 * @member {@linkapi CKEDITOR.editor}
 * @param {String/Object} element Element's ID or name or a native DOM element.
 * @param {Function} fn Callback.
 * @param {String} fn.firstArg Callback's first argument.
 * @param {Number} fn.secondArg Callback's second argument.
 * @param {String} [name='default value']
 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The transformed element.
this[ 'complicated' + 'Name' ] = (function() {
    return function() {


 * Method description.
 * @param {String/Object} element Element's ID or name or a native DOM element.
 * @param {String} [name='default value']
 * @returns {CKEDITOR.dom.element} The transformed element.
this.methodName = function() {
    // ...

# Details

  • The @method tag has to be used when it is not clear that a piece of code is a method (e.g. a closure returning a function was used or a reference to a function defined elsewhere) or when the method’s name is not obvious.
  • Callback arguments may be defined. Also, if a method returns an object, its properties may be defined too — read more.
  • Both @return and @returns are accepted, but use the latter one.

# Events

To define an event instead of a method:

  • Use @event instead of @method — usually you will have to provide a name.
  • @returns is not accepted.

# Miscellaneous Rules

  • Always leave one blank line between the textual comment and the first tag.
  • Separate all blocks (paragraphs, code samples, etc.) with one blank line.
  • Code samples are wrapped with triple back ticks ```, optionally followed with a language identifier — no spaces are to be used.
  • Always place a dot (.) at the end of a sentence. A sentence starts with an upper-case letter.
  • Always use single quotes for JavaScript strings, but double quotes for cites, irony, etc. in textual comments.
  • Cross-reference format for links is: If there is more than one event/property/configuration/method with the same name, then prepend cfg-, property-, method- or event- to the name. The namespace may be omitted if it equals to @member or the current class. See the “Cross-references” section in the JSDuck’s guide.
  • Use real format in default values:
  • When describing the value returned or alerted in the code sample, wrap only strings in ''. All other types (Boolean, numbers, objects, etc.) should be left unwrapped.
  • There is no Integer type in JavaScript and constructors’ names should be used as types names — so Boolean, not boolean.
  • In textual comments wrap tokens, names from code, JavaScript values, etc. with `` for better visibility. Remember to wrap strings with '' — so: This method may return: `‘text text’`.