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Gökçe Tosun

Gökçe Tosun

Senior Marketing Specialist, CKSource

Gokce is a Senior Marketing Specialist with 5+ years' experience with CKSource products. With a background in business she is driven by providing positive impact products through great products and collaboration.


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Published 29 articles

Bett + CKEditor on the front and in the background people discussing on some project

What to focus on when choosing an editor for your education software – Bett UK 2022

On 23-25 March 2022, CKEditor 5 is joining Bett UK where 400+ Edtech providers will share their solutions with the educational community. But before we land in London and tell you all about easy and reliable writing solutions CKEditor 5 can offer, we would like to quickly go over some key points education software creators should watch out for when choosing a rich text editor for their software, and what sort of performance they can expect from CKEditor 5 in those areas.

How to successfully launch a software application

How to successfully launch a software application on Product Hunt in 2020?

So you’ve created an application and want it to reach a mass audience. Product Hunt is one of the most popular and easy ways to do this. In GitHub Writer’s case, Product Hunt helped the new application reach 1000 downloads. This Open Source side project, which is based on CKEditor 5, is a browser extension that brings WYSIWYG editing to GitHub. It was one of the top 5 products on the day of its launch and as such was promoted in its newsletter and socials. Read on to learn more about how you can make the best out of a Product Hunt launch as well.

Free Online HTML Editor

A simple on-the-go online HTML editor

Looking for a ready-to-use WYSIWYG editor access, without having to deal with any integrations? We got your back with our new website Read on to learn more.

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Technical Leader, CKSource

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Aleksandra Mroczek (Ola)

IT Talent Sourcer, CKSource

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Anna Tomanek

Documentation & Project Manager, CKSource

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Arkadiusz Filipczak

Team Leader, CKSource

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Bartek Biedrzycki

Technical Writer, CKSource

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Brendan Daniel

Content Writer

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Charles Gantt

Content Marketer CKEditor

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Dan Wilson

Senior Product Marketing Manager, CKSource

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Di Mace

Marketing Communications Manager, Tiugo Technologies

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Dominik Szczepaniak

Software Engineer, CKSource

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Dominika Reszke

Content Writer

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Elise Bentley

VP of Marketing, Tiugo Technologies

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Filip Tokarski

QA Engineer / Customer Solution Engineer, CKSource

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Frederico Knabben


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Jacek Bogdański

CERD Project Leader, CKSource

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Kit Kriewaldt

Content and Copywriter, CKSource

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Łukasz Datkowski

Frontend Developer / UX Designer, CKSource

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Junior Software Engineer/ Technical Writer

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Maciej Duraj

Content Writer

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Maciej Gołaszewski

Technical Leader

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Marcin Dusza

Senior Product Manager @ CK

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Marta Binkiewicz

Marketing Specialist, CKSource

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Mateusz Pytel

Fullstack Developer / Team leader, CKSource

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Mrina Sugosh

Developer Relations Manager, CKSource

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Paweł Wiaderny

Product Owner, CKSource

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Piotr Jasiun

Technical Leader

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Piotr Koszuliński

Director of Engineering, CKSource

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Piotr Ziaja

Freelance Technical Writer

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Sebastian Stefanov

Customer and Community Manager

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Szymon Cofalik

Collaboration Features Technical Leader, CKSource

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Tobiasz Cudnik

JavaScript Developer

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Tomasz Jakut

Senior Software Engineer / Web Standards Expert, CKSource

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Wiktor Walc

CTO, Tiugo Technologies

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Wojtek Cichoń

Marketing and Community Manager

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