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Dominika Reszke


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Published 20 articles

Dominika Reszke

Content Writer

A natural-born wordsmith who loves creating compelling stories from scratch. Likes changes and challenges, prefers facts and figures to any kind of fiction.


A year to remember: 2022 at CKEditor in a nutshell

2022 was a truly game-changing year for CKSource and CKEditor 5. Launching CKBox and Import from Word, becoming the default editor with the release of Drupal 10, introducing new branding and website design, and getting the Great Place to Work® certification are just some of our successes and milestones achieved in the year 2022.

CKSource - a truly “Great Place to Work®”!

In September 2022, CKSource officially joined the exclusive group of organizations certified with the Great Place to Work® title. This award is the most recognizable distinction for the ”employer of choice” that companies aspire to and the only certification based entirely on what employees say about their experiences in the workplace. And 100% of CKSource employees agreed that “this is a friendly place to work” and “when you join the organisation, you are made to feel welcome.”

CKEditor 5’s undiscovered treasures: 4 features you should know about

It’s hard to imagine CKEditor 5 without some of its premium features, such as Track Changes, Real-time collaborative editing, Revision History, Comments, or Spell checking. But apart from these powerful functionalities, CKEditor offers some undiscovered treasures - lesser-known yet very beneficial features it’s easy to overlook, like Restricted editing, Find and replace, or Annotations display mode. In this blog post, we’re putting them in the limelight.

What clients love about CKEditor the most

A lot can be said about the editing experience CKEditor provides. It can be called top-notch, ultra-modern, dynamic, or simply outstanding. But what exactly do clients love about CKEditor the most? What do they praise most often? Meet top qualities and best features that users simply can’t do without.

How different industries make use of CKEditor. Part 3: Digital publishing & CMS solutions, educational software, and project management tools

CKEditor is a fully-fledged content creation solution, used heavily by companies across various sectors and disciplines, and appreciated by millions of end-users worldwide. In the third part of our overview of CKEditor use cases, we put industries such as digital publishing & CMS solutions, educational software, and project management tools in the limelight.

CKEditor in the foreground with highlighted Track changes option

How different industries make use of CKEditor. Part 2: Legal & advisory sectors, manufacturing & retail industry, governmental institutions

CKEditor is a versatile tool that is successfully used by over 30,000 clients operating in a variety of industries and environments. In the second part of our overview of CKEditor use cases, we shed light on legal and advisory sectors, the manufacturing and retail industry, governmental institutions and state administration, as well as market research. How exactly do particular organizations benefit from using CKEditor?

Piotrek Koszuliński, the leader of the team behind the creation of CKEditor 5. In his daily work, he focuses on software architecture and team development.

Freedom in IT. What are the advantages of working on your own product? A talk with Piotrek Koszuliński, CKEditor 5 Project Leader

Piotrek Koszuliński is the leader of the team behind the creation and success of CKEditor 5. In our interview, he shares his thoughts on the reasons why this product is so unique and so popular. He also sheds light on the technical side of CKEditor 5, ins and outs of creating a top-notch open-source project, and some of the mistakes made along the way.

CKEditor in the background and some people at the front

How different industries make use of CKEditor. Part 1: Healthcare, banking, insurance, accounting & real estate sectors

The complete CKEditor solution, packed with stable, reliable components, can help any business start with a bang or accelerate its growth immensely. It can truly be a game-changer for many organizations - regardless if they are Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, or other projects. How exactly do particular businesses, representing healthcare, banking, insurance, accounting, and real estate sectors, make use of it?

Guy with the CKEditor flag on the top of the mountain

Best project management tools - tips on how to succeed

Powerful project management software plays a pivotal role in digital transformation and belongs to the most efficient online solutions. Project management tools help to make the workflow run smooth, with progress being tracked - which may be crucial in making any task successful. But how to succeed when developing such a tool? Which features and components are truly vital in this regard?

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Meet other authors

Aleksander Nowodziński

Technical Leader, CKSource

Published 3 articles

Aleksandra Mroczek (Ola)

People & Culture Specialist, Tiugo Technologies

Published 1 article

Anna Tomanek

Documentation & Project Manager, CKSource

Published 52 articles

Arkadiusz Filipczak

Team Leader, CKSource

Published 1 article

Bartek Biedrzycki

Technical Writer, CKSource

Published 40 articles

Brendan Daniel

Content Writer

Published 5 articles

Charles Gantt

Content Marketer, Tiugo Technologies

Published 28 articles

Dan Wilson

Senior Product Marketing Manager, CKSource

Published 1 article

Di Mace

Marketing Communications Manager, Tiugo Technologies

Published 1 article

Dominik Szczepaniak

Software Engineer, CKSource

Published 1 article

Elise Bentley

VP of Marketing, Tiugo Technologies

Published 4 articles

Filip Tokarski

QA Engineer / Customer Solution Engineer, CKSource

Published 1 article

Frederico Knabben


Published 20 articles

Gökçe Tosun

Senior Marketing Specialist, CKSource

Published 41 articles

Jacek Bogdański

Engineering Manager, CKSource

Published 11 articles

Kit Kriewaldt

Content and Copywriter, CKSource

Published 24 articles

Łukasz Datkowski

Frontend Developer / UX Designer, CKSource

Published 1 article

Łukasz Drobnik

Junior Software Engineer/ Technical Writer

Published 1 article

Maciej Duraj

Content Writer

Published 12 articles

Maciej Gołaszewski

Technical Leader

Published 1 article

Marcin Dusza

Senior Product Manager, CKSource

Published 1 article

Marta Binkiewicz

Marketing Specialist, CKSource

Published 3 articles

Mateusz Pytel

Fullstack Developer / Team leader, CKSource

Published 3 articles

Mrina Sugosh

Developer Relations Manager, Tiugo Technologies

Published 5 articles

Paweł Wiaderny

Product Owner, CKSource

Published 5 articles

Piotr Jasiun

Technical Leader

Published 1 article

Piotr Koszuliński

Director of Engineering, CKSource

Published 10 articles

Piotr Ziaja

Freelance Technical Writer

Published 6 articles

Sebastian Stefanov

Customer and Community Manager

Published 7 articles

Szymon Cofalik

Principal Engineer, CKSource

Published 3 articles

Tobiasz Cudnik

JavaScript Developer

Published 1 article

Tomasz Jakut

Senior Software Engineer / Web Standards Expert, CKSource

Published 12 articles

Vadim Smirnov

Developer Advocate, CKSource

Published 4 articles

Wiktor Walc

CTO, Tiugo Technologies

Published 3 articles

Wojtek Cichoń

Senior Product Marketing Manager

Published 8 articles

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