Links Split - URL & Domain

Help you split domain name and url.

Install : 

  1. Download source and extract to "ckeditor/plugins" folder.
  2. in config.toolbarGroups (groups) add "HkUrlSplit"
  3. in config.extraPlugins add "hkurlsplit"



3,025 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.0

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Work with Ckeditor 4x

HKemoji - custom emoji - smiley

This plugin integrates the custom png/gif emoji and smiley for ckeditor 4 (with exists 4 example emoji package)

  • If you want revenge "emoji dialog" auto close when clicked emoji, open "dialogs/hkemoji.js" and delete line 26: dialog.hide();
  • To add or remove smiley, read documentation.



6,766 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.0

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Maybe work with older version (4.5)

Spacing Sliders

Combined slider controls to adjust 'line-height' and 'letter-spacing' CSS values of text.



5,353 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.3

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* Make slider ranges configurable.

* Fixes an error when attempting to move sliders before focusing the editing area.

Computed Font

Modified version of Font addon to use computed style information to handle inherited text styles better.
Now both font family and size combo show actual CSS values applied to the selection, regardless of whether the style was explicitly overriden or not.


22,429 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.2

DownloadRelease notes

  • Fixed a regression with missing font size unit.
  • Remove quotation marks from font family names.

Save to PDF

Use AWS Lambda to Generate PDFs using the  Api2Pdf REST API is a REST API for instantly generating PDF documents from HTML, URLs, Microsoft Office Documents (Word, Excel, PPT), and images. The API also supports merge / concatenation of two or more PDFs. Api2Pdf is a wrapper for popular libraries such as wkhtmltopdfHeadless Chrome, and LibreOffice.

This plugin adds a Save to PDF functionality to CKEditor4. It will take the HTML contents of your editor, convert it to PDF, and request the web browser to download it.

The plugin will add an icon to the toolbar to Save to PDF. 

A server side handler is required, sample code is provided for PHP and .NET



18,665 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 4.10

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A CKEditor Plugin for MathML and Latex Mathemathical Expressions

Editor accepted string format from input default class was math if you change this you need to configure through mathexClass

<span class="math">\({ MathML or Tex Mathemathical expressions }\)</span>

Encoder Helper

let str = "<span class="math"><math><mrow><msup><mfenced><mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi></mrow></mfenced><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></span>" 

this helper function added escape character before <math /> and html Decode for editor readable format

decoder(str) // <span class="math">\( &gt;math&lt;&gt;mrow&lt;&gt;msup&lt;&gt;mfenced&lt;&gt;mrow&lt;&gt;mi&lt;a&gt;/mi&lt;&gt;mo&lt;+&gt;/mo&lt;&gt;mi&lt;b&gt;/mi&lt;&gt;/mrow&lt;&gt;/mfenced&lt;&gt;mn>2&gt/mn&lt;&gt;/msup&lt;&gt;/mrow&lt;&gt;/math> \) </span>
function encoder(text){
    if (text){
        var myregexp = /<span[^>]+?class="math".*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/span>/g;
        return text.replace(myregexp, function replacer(match) {
            return match.replace(/<math>([\s\S]*?)<\/math>/g , function replacerData(match) {
                let tempString = match.replace(/<math>/g, "\\(<math>");
                return this.htmlEncode(tempString.replace(/<\/math>/g, "</math>\\)"))

Decoder Helper

let str = "<span class="math">\({ MathML or Tex Mathemathical expressions }\)</span>" 

this helper function removed escape character before <math />

decoder(str) // <span class="math"> MathML or Tex Mathemathical expressions </span> 
function decoder(str) {
    let tempString = str.replace(/\\\(<math>/g, "<math>");
    return tempString.replace(/<\/math>\\\)/g, "</math>");

htmlEncode Helper

htmlEncode( 'A > B & C < D' )  // 'A &gt; B &amp; C &lt; D' 
var ampRegex = /&amp;/g,
gtRegex = /&gt;/g,
ltRegex = /&lt;/g,
quoteRegex = /&quot;/g,
tokenCharset = &#39;abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789&#39;,

 * Replaces special HTML characters in a string with their relative HTML
 * entity values.
 *		console.log( htmlEncode( &#39;A &gt; B &amp; C &lt; D&#39; ) ); // &#39;A &amp;gt; B &amp;amp; C &amp;lt; D&#39;
 * @param {String} text The string to be encoded.
 * @returns {String} The encoded string.
htmlEncode = text =&gt; {
	// Backwards compatibility - accept also non-string values (casting is done below).
	// Since 4.4.8 we return empty string for null and undefined because these values make no sense.
	if (text === undefined || text === null) {
		return &#39;&#39;;

	return String(text).replace(ampRegex, &#39;&amp;amp;&#39;).replace(gtRegex, &#39;&amp;gt;&#39;).replace(ltRegex, &#39;&amp;lt;&#39;);

htmlDecode Helper

htmlDecode( '&lt;a &amp; b &gt;' ) // '<a & b >' 
var ampRegex = /&/g,
gtRegex = />/g,
ltRegex = /</g,
quoteRegex = /"/g,
tokenCharset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789',

allEscRegex = /&(lt|gt|amp|quot|nbsp|shy|#\d{1,5});/g,
namedEntities = {
	lt: '<',
	gt: '>',
	amp: '&',
	quot: '"',
	nbsp: '\u00a0',
	shy: '\u00ad'

allEscDecode(match, code) {
	if (code[0] == '#') {
		return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(code.slice(1), 10));
	} else {
		return namedEntities[code];

  * Decodes HTML entities that browsers tend to encode when used in text nodes.
  *		console.log( htmlDecode( '&lt;a &amp; b &gt;' ) ); // '<a & b >'
  * Read more about chosen entities in the [research].
  * @param {String} The string to be decoded.
  * @returns {String} The decoded string.
htmlDecode = text => {
	// See:
	// * JSPerf has some serious problems, but you can observe
	// that combined regexp tends to be quicker (except on V8). It will also not be prone to fail on '&amp;lt;'
	return text.replace(allEscRegex, this.allEscDecode);



6,982 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.3

DownloadRelease notes


Ckeditor addon for Mathematical Expressions


  • Supports MathML and Latex
  • Optimised Version
  • Helpers included
  • README Updated

Bootstrap Widgets

Bootstrap widgets are very important for content management, but using them in CKEditor is not exactly simple. Well, now, you can effortlessly work with Bootstrap components directly in CKEditor!

Meet the Bootstrap Widgets add-on! It allows inserting the components provided by Bootstrap and Foundation CSS frameworks into your editor.

The set significantly extends the functionality of CKEditor. It offers all standard widgets like buttons, links, image galleries, icons, information messages, breadcrumbs, labels, badges, and so on. Try it and see how your work gets simpler.

You get the Bootstrap Include CSS/JS add-on for free to plug-in the framework to the content editor.


CKEditor plugins for Tangy Form web components.


2,867 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.0.0

DownloadRelease notes



CKEditor plugins for Tangy Form web components.


2,853 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.0.0

DownloadRelease notes



CKEditor plugins for Tangy Form web components.


3,092 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.0.0

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