Save to PDF

Use AWS Lambda to Generate PDFs using the  Api2Pdf REST API is a REST API for instantly generating PDF documents from HTML, URLs, Microsoft Office Documents (Word, Excel, PPT), and images. The API also supports merge / concatenation of two or more PDFs. Api2Pdf is a wrapper for popular libraries such as wkhtmltopdfHeadless Chrome, and LibreOffice.

This plugin adds a Save to PDF functionality to CKEditor4. It will take the HTML contents of your editor, convert it to PDF, and request the web browser to download it.

The plugin will add an icon to the toolbar to Save to PDF. 

A server side handler is required, sample code is provided for PHP and .NET



18,720 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 4.10

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