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User's addons

  • API

    This plugin provides APIs for other plugins to work with browser windows, dialog UI elements, media elements, htmlParser elements, URLs and XML

  • Quote Widget

    This widget can be used as an alternative to the Blockquote Plugin.

  • Grid Widget

    This widgets just serves as a container for multiple instances of other widgets in order to apply certain styles on them, p.e.

  • Browser

    This plugin provides a simple and minimal browser API for other plugins to consume (almost identical to the

  • Block Widget

    This widget lets you create and edit non-editable and optionally previewable placeholder blocks.

  • Section Widget

    This widget offers the possibility to add section elements into the editor and make them optionally distinguishable by configurable CSS cl

  • Media Browser

    This plugin provides a simple and minimal browser API for other plugins to consume (almost identical to the

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