

A CKEditor Plugin for MathML and Latex Mathemathical Expressions

Editor accepted string format from input default class was math if you change this you need to configure through mathexClass

<span class="math">\({ MathML or Tex Mathemathical expressions }\)</span>

Encoder Helper

let str = "<span class="math"><math><mrow><msup><mfenced><mrow><mi>a</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>b</mi></mrow></mfenced><mn>2</mn></msup></mrow></math></span>" 

this helper function added escape character before <math /> and html Decode for editor readable format

decoder(str) // <span class="math">\( &gt;math&lt;&gt;mrow&lt;&gt;msup&lt;&gt;mfenced&lt;&gt;mrow&lt;&gt;mi&lt;a&gt;/mi&lt;&gt;mo&lt;+&gt;/mo&lt;&gt;mi&lt;b&gt;/mi&lt;&gt;/mrow&lt;&gt;/mfenced&lt;&gt;mn>2&gt/mn&lt;&gt;/msup&lt;&gt;/mrow&lt;&gt;/math> \) </span>
function encoder(text){
    if (text){
        var myregexp = /<span[^>]+?class="math".*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/span>/g;
        return text.replace(myregexp, function replacer(match) {
            return match.replace(/<math>([\s\S]*?)<\/math>/g , function replacerData(match) {
                let tempString = match.replace(/<math>/g, "\\(<math>");
                return this.htmlEncode(tempString.replace(/<\/math>/g, "</math>\\)"))

Decoder Helper

let str = "<span class="math">\({ MathML or Tex Mathemathical expressions }\)</span>" 

this helper function removed escape character before <math />

decoder(str) // <span class="math"> MathML or Tex Mathemathical expressions </span> 
function decoder(str) {
    let tempString = str.replace(/\\\(<math>/g, "<math>");
    return tempString.replace(/<\/math>\\\)/g, "</math>");

htmlEncode Helper

htmlEncode( 'A > B & C < D' )  // 'A &gt; B &amp; C &lt; D' 
var ampRegex = /&amp;/g,
gtRegex = /&gt;/g,
ltRegex = /&lt;/g,
quoteRegex = /&quot;/g,
tokenCharset = &#39;abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789&#39;,

 * Replaces special HTML characters in a string with their relative HTML
 * entity values.
 *		console.log( htmlEncode( &#39;A &gt; B &amp; C &lt; D&#39; ) ); // &#39;A &amp;gt; B &amp;amp; C &amp;lt; D&#39;
 * @param {String} text The string to be encoded.
 * @returns {String} The encoded string.
htmlEncode = text =&gt; {
	// Backwards compatibility - accept also non-string values (casting is done below).
	// Since 4.4.8 we return empty string for null and undefined because these values make no sense.
	if (text === undefined || text === null) {
		return &#39;&#39;;

	return String(text).replace(ampRegex, &#39;&amp;amp;&#39;).replace(gtRegex, &#39;&amp;gt;&#39;).replace(ltRegex, &#39;&amp;lt;&#39;);

htmlDecode Helper

htmlDecode( '&lt;a &amp; b &gt;' ) // '<a & b >' 
var ampRegex = /&/g,
gtRegex = />/g,
ltRegex = /</g,
quoteRegex = /"/g,
tokenCharset = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789',

allEscRegex = /&(lt|gt|amp|quot|nbsp|shy|#\d{1,5});/g,
namedEntities = {
	lt: '<',
	gt: '>',
	amp: '&',
	quot: '"',
	nbsp: '\u00a0',
	shy: '\u00ad'

allEscDecode(match, code) {
	if (code[0] == '#') {
		return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(code.slice(1), 10));
	} else {
		return namedEntities[code];

  * Decodes HTML entities that browsers tend to encode when used in text nodes.
  *		console.log( htmlDecode( '&lt;a &amp; b &gt;' ) ); // '<a & b >'
  * Read more about chosen entities in the [research].
  * @param {String} The string to be decoded.
  * @returns {String} The decoded string.
htmlDecode = text => {
	// See:
	// * JSPerf has some serious problems, but you can observe
	// that combined regexp tends to be quicker (except on V8). It will also not be prone to fail on '&amp;lt;'
	return text.replace(allEscRegex, this.allEscDecode);



6,982 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.3

DownloadRelease notes


Ckeditor addon for Mathematical Expressions


  • Supports MathML and Latex
  • Optimised Version
  • Helpers included
  • README Updated
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