Document Font

Adds font, font size, and line height fields to the Document Properties plugin.  Following the example of the Document Properties plugin, these settings are saved as inline styles to the <BODY> tag, so they control defaults for an entire document rather than only for paragraph or smaller elements as do CKEditor's Font and Size dropdowns.

Inline styles in the <BODY> tag allow users to configure an entire document's appearance without resorting to an external style sheet.  Note, however, that styles defined in this way override duplicate definitions in external style sheets as well as embedded styles in <HEAD>, and are overridden by styles defined in subordinate elements.  See Types of CSS Styles for details.



23,317 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 2.0

DownloadRelease notes

Version 2.0:
 - Added tooltips
 - Added resetStyle() as this wasn't getting inherited from docProps
 - Added ability to set line-height
 - Revised some labels
 - Fixed some typos

Tested only witih CKEditor 4.6, but may be compatible with other versions.


Cross Reference

Adds cross references links with optional auto-numeration for chapters, images, tables and references. Other types of references can be defined in config.


You can use builder or install plugin manually:

  1. Download the plugin.

  2. Extract (decompress) the downloaded file into the plugins folder of your CKEditor installation. Example:

  3. Enable the plugin by using the extraPlugins configuration setting. Example: CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'crossreference';



8,349 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 1.2.0

DownloadRelease notes

  • Use selected text as 'name' field value in anchor dialog at insert action.
  • Use selected text as 'filter' field value in link dialog at insert action.
  • Add key bindings.

Widget Selection

This plugin improves selection handling for Widget elements. Due to some browser bugs additional handling is required to allow the widget selection.

For example, the plugin makes it possible to use the Ctrl / Cmd + A keyboard shortcuts to select widgets even though they are at the beginning or end of the editor content.

This plugin also integrates with the Select All plugin.


1,318,133 downloads (view stats)

This is an official plugin provided and supported by CKEditor developers.

You can submit bug reports directly to its GitHub issues tracker and discuss any integration issues on StackOverflow.


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 4.25.1-lts

DownloadRelease notes

First minor release of CKEditor 4.25.1-lts

Version: 4.24.0-lts

DownloadRelease notes

First major release of CKEditor 4.24.0-lts

Version: 4.23.0-lts

DownloadRelease notes

First major release of CKEditor 4.23.0-lts

Copy Formatting

Allows for quick and easy copying of text formatting between the parts of your document. By default, it provides support for copying text, list and table styles.

Note: Copy Formatting only works with inline styles, so it will not copy or apply block-level styles (e.g. headers) to text.

This plugin comes with great accessibility support and is highly customizable. Refer to the Using the Copy Formatting Feature documentation for more information.



941,768 downloads (view stats)

This is an official plugin provided and supported by CKEditor developers.

You can submit bug reports directly to its GitHub issues tracker and discuss any integration issues on StackOverflow.


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 4.25.1-lts

DownloadRelease notes

First minor release of CKEditor 4.25.1-lts

Version: 4.24.0-lts

DownloadRelease notes

First major release of CKEditor 4.24.0-lts

Version: 4.23.0-lts

DownloadRelease notes

First major release of CKEditor 4.23.0-lts

Video Embed

Insert easily video from Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion with their urls only.

Usage :

  • Copy video's url from adress bar and Paste this url field in plugin dialog
  • [optional] Set custom css class name
  • Click "Ok" 

Accepted URL : 

  • Youtube (full & tiny url)
  • Dailymotion (full & tiny url)
  • Vimeo (full only)

Dependencies: Dialog



32,736 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 1.1

DownloadRelease notes

  • Youtube playlist urls accepted
  • Dailymotion playlist ulrs accepted (jukebox)


This plugin integrates the emojione library into the CKEditor. The plugin allows you to add all known emojis into your content in unicode format.



27,204 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 1.0.2

DownloadRelease notes

Added emojione JS library to support using builder.


Video plugin for CKEditor with Track (Captions/Subtitles) based on Original Video plugin from Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo.


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 3.5

DownloadRelease notes

First version upgraded from Original Video plugin. Based on 1.3 version


Scribens is a powerful, free English spelling and grammar checker.

This spellchecker corrects over 250 types of grammar mistakes and detects stylistic elements such as repetitions, run-on sentences, redundancies, and more. It even suggests synonyms for every word.



6,625 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 1.2

DownloadRelease notes

http -> https

Gallery browser for Pheix modules

Wlpheix Plugin

Wlpheix - simple Gallery browser in CKEditor 4, used by different modules of CMS Pheix. It adds Gallery button, that provides access to internal galleries.


1. Click Gallery button:

2. Dialog consists of 2 filelds: Gallery list & Path to image. In Gallery list all rigistered in CMS galleries present:

3. Choose Gallery from Gallery list (you can manage galleries via System::Gallery module):

4. You can see the chosen Gallery contents:

5. Choose image & and it's URI will appear in Path to image field:

6. Click OK & image will apear in your CKEditor session:

Supported editors

Wlpheix plugin is supported in CKEDitor 4.


Please send your questions or feedback to or feel free to use feedback form at!



6,545 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 1.0.4

DownloadRelease notes

Changelog for 1.0.4 version:

  1. Fix select width on wlpheix dialog

BlueImp Gallery

blueimp Gallery is a touch-enabled, responsive and customizable image & video gallery, carousel and lightbox, optimized for both mobile and desktop web browsers.

It features swipe, mouse and keyboard navigation, transition effects, slideshow functionality, fullscreen support and on-demand content loading and can be extended to display additional content types.

Upcoming features:
  • Image Gallery
  • Video Gallery



It requires the following plugins to work: CKFinder, Widget, and Line Utilities.


NOTE: You can send your suggestions, comments, concerns, or inquiries through or by filling up the contact form of my website. I'm having trouble using Disqus lol.


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