User's addons
Editor Placeholder
This plugin allows you to display a predefined placeholder text in the editor window if the content is empty.
Export to PDF
The Export to PDF CKEditor 4 plugin allows you to easily print the WYSIWYG editor content to a PDF file.
Paste from LibreOffice
This plugin allows you to paste content from LibreOffice Writer and maintain original content formatting.
This plugin offers Excel-like functionality available right inside CKEditor 4.
Paste Tools
This plugin allows to create custom paste handling logic for a given paste type.
Paste from Google Docs
This plugin allows you to paste content from Google Docs and maintain original content formatting.
Text Match
This plugin allows to search the DOM for matching text but it operates on strings instead of text nodes.
Text Watcher
This plugin checks whether a text modification in the editor matches defined criteria.
This plugin allows you to type a pre-configured marker character, such as "@" or "#", and get suggested values for the text mat