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Anna Tomanek

Anna Tomanek

Documentation & Project Manager, CKSource

Anna is an experienced technical author and open source enthusiast. With 10+ years' experience in documenting CKEditor, she's acutely aware of how documentation can make or break a project. She’s also passionate about working with people and technology and loves making software more accessible by explaining how it works.


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Published 53 articles

CKEditor 4.6 released

We are happy to announce that the most awaited major CKEditor version has just been officially released. CKEditor 4.6 is packed with new features such as a new default skin and updated UI, completely rewritten Paste from Word, new Copy Formatting, Upload File and Balloon Panel plugins, Occitan localization as well as some widget and accessibility improvements. Read on for more details!

First Developer Preview of CKEditor 5 Available

We would like to let you know that the first developer preview of CKEditor 5 has recently been tagged as version v0.1.0 and is available for everyone to see! We have been working on this project for the past 2 years, building the next generation editor from scratch, closing over 400 tickets – and now we want to share the first tangible milestone with the great community that has supported us throughout this entire time.

Accessibility Checker Goes Open Source

It's Global Accessibility Awareness Day today! To celebrate it in a big way, we would like to announce that as of today, Accessibility Checker for CKEditor will be available for everyone for free, licensed under an Open Source GPL license. If you care about accessibility, want to learn more about how important it is, and get to know our new product, read on!

CKFinder 3.3 for ASP.NET Released

We are happy to announce that CKFinder 3.3 for ASP.NET was released today. This represents a huge milestone in the development of CKFinder, the powerful and easy to use file manager for the Web, since version 3 will now be available with two server-side connectors: PHP and ASP.NET.

CKEditor 4.5 Released

We are happy to announce the most awaited release of CKEditor 4.5, the next major editor version that introduces an entire spectrum of amazing new features and improvements and is the biggest release since CKEditor 4.0. The CKEditor team has been working on this ground-breaking release for the last year, polishing the beta version as much as we could during the last couple of weeks, and we are extremely proud to be able to finally deliver the final version to the general public!

CKEditor Community Forums Move to Stack Overflow

The power of each Open Source project lies in the community around it. To make community contributions and support easier, we have decided to migrate from our own forum that had a limited number of features to a full-blown community support platform - Stack Overflow. Read on for more details about the move!

CKEditor Examples Unveiled

We are proud to present the new and shiny CKEditor Examples that has just been published online and is also available for download. The CKEditor Examples is a huge collection of resources designed to help you get familiar with all editor features and make the process of implementing, configuring and integrating CKEditor with your website or application easier. And what's the best part? It's free!

CKEditor Supports Bower and Composer

Since version 4.3.3 CKEditor supports two popular package managers, Bower and Composer. They can be used to install CKEditor releases and keep them up to date in the same way that you maintain other dependencies of your project.

Integrating Plugins with Advanced Content Filter

CKEditor 4.1 is just around the corner, so it is a final call for all plugin developers to update their code in order to comply with content filtering that the new editor version introduces. CKEditor 4.1 Release Candidate was released on March 6, 2013, and the final release is coming very soon.

CKEditor 3.6.3 Released!

We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 3.6.3. This is a maintenance release that contains a handful of bug fixes as well as a few new features, including new image and table alignment option and some accessibility enhancements.

CKEditor for Joomla Updated

We are happy to announce an update to CKEditor for Joomla, a unique solution that integrates the most popular online editor in the world into the Joomla! content management system. This release brings CKFinder version to 2.1.1 and introduces compatibility with Joomla! 2.5, the latest and exciting version of this popular CMS.

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Aleksander Nowodziński

Technical Leader, CKSource

Published 3 articles

Aleksandra Mroczek (Ola)

IT Talent Sourcer, CKSource

Published 1 article

Arkadiusz Filipczak

Team Leader, CKSource

Published 1 article

Bartek Biedrzycki

Technical Writer, CKSource

Published 40 articles

Brendan Daniel

Content Writer

Published 5 articles

Charles Gantt

Content Marketer CKEditor

Published 1 article

Dan Wilson

Senior Product Marketing Manager, CKSource

Published 1 article

Di Mace

Marketing Communications Manager, Tiugo Technologies

Published 2 articles

Dominik Szczepaniak

Software Engineer, CKSource

Published 1 article

Dominika Reszke

Content Writer

Published 21 articles

Elise Bentley

VP of Marketing, Tiugo Technologies

Published 4 articles

Filip Tokarski

QA Engineer / Customer Solution Engineer, CKSource

Published 1 article

Frederico Knabben


Published 20 articles

Gökçe Tosun

Senior Marketing Specialist, CKSource

Published 29 articles

Jacek Bogdański

CERD Project Leader, CKSource

Published 10 articles

Kit Kriewaldt

Content and Copywriter, CKSource

Published 24 articles

Łukasz Datkowski

Frontend Developer / UX Designer, CKSource

Published 1 article

Łukasz Drobnik

Junior Software Engineer/ Technical Writer

Published 1 article

Maciej Duraj

Content Writer

Published 13 articles

Maciej Gołaszewski

Technical Leader

Published 1 article

Marcin Dusza

Senior Product Manager @ CK

Published 1 article

Marta Binkiewicz

Marketing Specialist, CKSource

Published 3 articles

Mateusz Pytel

Fullstack Developer / Team leader, CKSource

Published 3 articles

Mrina Sugosh

Developer Relations Manager, CKSource

Published 3 articles

Paweł Wiaderny

Product Owner, CKSource

Published 5 articles

Piotr Jasiun

Technical Leader

Published 1 article

Piotr Koszuliński

Director of Engineering, CKSource

Published 10 articles

Piotr Ziaja

Freelance Technical Writer

Published 6 articles

Sebastian Stefanov

Customer and Community Manager

Published 7 articles

Szymon Cofalik

Collaboration Features Technical Leader, CKSource

Published 1 article

Tobiasz Cudnik

JavaScript Developer

Published 1 article

Tomasz Jakut

Senior Software Engineer / Web Standards Expert, CKSource

Published 12 articles

Wiktor Walc

CTO, Tiugo Technologies

Published 3 articles

Wojtek Cichoń

Marketing and Community Manager

Published 8 articles

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