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How different industries make use of CKEditor. Part 3: Digital publishing & CMS solutions, educational software, and project management tools

CKEditor is a fully-fledged content creation solution, used heavily by companies across various sectors and disciplines, and appreciated by millions of end-users worldwide. In the third part of our overview of CKEditor use cases, we put industries such as digital publishing & CMS solutions, educational software, and project management tools in the limelight.

CKEditor in the foreground with highlighted Track changes option

How different industries make use of CKEditor. Part 2: Legal & advisory sectors, manufacturing & retail industry, governmental institutions

CKEditor is a versatile tool that is successfully used by over 30,000 clients operating in a variety of industries and environments. In the second part of our overview of CKEditor use cases, we shed light on legal and advisory sectors, the manufacturing and retail industry, governmental institutions and state administration, as well as market research. How exactly do particular organizations benefit from using CKEditor?

Piotrek Koszuliński, the leader of the team behind the creation of CKEditor 5. In his daily work, he focuses on software architecture and team development.

Freedom in IT. What are the advantages of working on your own product? A talk with Piotrek Koszuliński, CKEditor 5 Project Leader

Piotrek Koszuliński is the leader of the team behind the creation and success of CKEditor 5. In our interview, he shares his thoughts on the reasons why this product is so unique and so popular. He also sheds light on the technical side of CKEditor 5, ins and outs of creating a top-notch open-source project, and some of the mistakes made along the way.

CKEditor in the background and some people at the front

How different industries make use of CKEditor. Part 1: Healthcare, banking, insurance, accounting & real estate sectors

The complete CKEditor solution, packed with stable, reliable components, can help any business start with a bang or accelerate its growth immensely. It can truly be a game-changer for many organizations - regardless if they are Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, or other projects. How exactly do particular businesses, representing healthcare, banking, insurance, accounting, and real estate sectors, make use of it?

Guy with the CKEditor flag on the top of the mountain

Best project management tools - tips on how to succeed

Powerful project management software plays a pivotal role in digital transformation and belongs to the most efficient online solutions. Project management tools help to make the workflow run smooth, with progress being tracked - which may be crucial in making any task successful. But how to succeed when developing such a tool? Which features and components are truly vital in this regard?

A woman is reading a book. On the right there is an editor with collaboration feature

A starter guide to collaboration - CKEditor 5

CKEditor 5 is the next-generation rich text editor with WYSIWYG methodology at its core that can be implemented within web-based software. One of the things it was designed for and that makes it stand out on the market is collaboration.

Feature spotlight - HTML to Word converter

The MS Word .docx file format is an industry standard nowadays. The HTML to Word converter and the Export to Word editor plugin enable the incorporation of this format in your work for portability and cross-platform compatibility of your content.

Bett + CKEditor on the front and in the background people discussing on some project

What to focus on when choosing an editor for your education software – Bett UK 2022

On 23-25 March 2022, CKEditor 5 is joining Bett UK where 400+ Edtech providers will share their solutions with the educational community. But before we land in London and tell you all about easy and reliable writing solutions CKEditor 5 can offer, we would like to quickly go over some key points education software creators should watch out for when choosing a rich text editor for their software, and what sort of performance they can expect from CKEditor 5 in those areas.

GitHub writer

GitHub Writer now available with Mermaid support

GitHub has recently introduced Mermaid support. Mermaid is a flowchart and visualization tool that is similar to Markdown. CKSource meanwhile has introduced it to its GitHub Writer platform, which is a rich text editor within GitHub and based on CKEditor 5.

Man looking on the charts

Basic overview of creating flowcharts using Mermaid

Mermaid is now available on GitHub and is a flowchart and visualization tool that was inspired by the Markdown language. Users can create a variety of chart types and insert them into the text fields of GitHub. These text fields or places where these charts can be inserted include wikis, documentation, pull requests and more. In this guide we show you the various options of creating a flowchart using this language.

Editor and two comments on the right

5 best collaborative writing strategies for 2022

Collaborative writing is getting increasingly popular within modern organizations. But it is not as simple as it might seem. To make the process of crafting great content together smooth and more effective, the right collaborative writing strategies need to be adopted. In this article, we shed light on some of the best collaborative writing strategies to utilize in 2022 and beyond.

Person sitting at the desk and doing something on the laptop

How programming affects your brain

How programming affects your brain as a software developer is not a mystery anymore. Dealing with complex corner cases, breaking down difficult problems, or performing source code reviews can activate the brain’s learning centers and increase cognitive abilities, to name but a few benefits. One of the ways of empowering your brain capabilities this way is getting a job at and growing with CKSource.

People planning tasks on the board

Agile project management - how we do it at CKSource

Agile project management is still making the headlines, despite being 20 years old. The benefits of its application are countless and priceless, and we are well aware of that at CKSource. Software developers who join us can see for themselves that going Agile and relying on continuous feedback simply makes the work done faster and more pleasant, and the results of it are often more than impressive. With this blog post, we’re continuing a cycle on the reasons why it is so beneficial to launch your career with CKSource or switch to this company from your current endeavor.

Two people sitting on the chairs. One of them is recruiter, other one is trying to get a job.

A candidate-friendly recruitment process is here at CKSource. Come join us!

Every recruitment process can be a smooth experience. And at CKSource, we are well aware of that, showing respect to candidates from the very beginning of the way, and providing them with just the right amount of information they need to get started. What’s more, we’re open to junior software developers, offering them support and appreciation. Such an attitude pays off for both sides in the long run. With this blog post, we’re continuing a cycle on the reasons why it is so good and so beneficial to launch your career with CKSource or switch to this company from your current endeavor.

Boxes connected to the document

How blockchain-based writing platforms are shaping the future of written content

Blockchain has been known to be a game changer in digital transactions due to its functionality as a digital ledger and ties to cryptocurrency. However, it is also being utilized across new platforms designed for writers or that have writing as their core functionality. We talk about some of these use cases and also how CKEditor 5 can fit into this role for future blockchain development. This article focuses on writing platforms using blockchain in a way that are already available today, but the potential is immense.

Best practices of remote work are in use at CKSource. Come join us!

Working remotely best practices are something that people who work from home often know little about. For many, telecommuting is a nightmare, and they dream about coming back to the office any time soon. But at CKSource, it’s not like that at all. For the majority of our job positions, employees are free to decide whether they work on-site, within the hybrid model, or fully remotely. And they often choose the latter, greatly enjoying work-life balance, smooth communication within the team, and taking care of their well-being and growth.

Document navigation made easy - previewing the content minimap in CKEditor 5

If there is one thing every content writer could probably do without, it is the feeling of getting lost in a long document. Trying to navigate a book chapter or a legal document? We have all been there and we know this can be such a headache. There is good news, though: we came up with something to make your editing experience a little bit easier. What if the same content navigation tool that programmers have been using and enjoying for years was available in CKEditor 5? We decided to give it a try and this is how the first content minimap for a WYSIWYG text editor was born.

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