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So You Think You Found a Bug?

Bug submissions are one of the most misinterpreted and misused requests in any Open Source community. They’re often falsely reported, but left unanswered they put a blemish on any given project. This forces developers to spend time clarifying how such reports aren’t really bugs – time which could be better spent elsewhere.

Integrating Plugins with Advanced Content Filter

CKEditor 4.1 is just around the corner, so it is a final call for all plugin developers to update their code in order to comply with content filtering that the new editor version introduces. CKEditor 4.1 Release Candidate was released on March 6, 2013, and the final release is coming very soon.

CKEditor 10 Year Anniversary!

It’s official! CKEditor is 10 years old! Exactly a decade ago I endeavored on a JavaScript project for Internet Explorer 6 (WAT!) bearing my initials (I was young and crazy). The result was an Open Source WYSIWYG editor called FCKeditor, later CKEditor (find the easter egg on our home page!). Time sure flew by… Today we are celebrating the editor’s 10th anniversary!

CKEditor for Joomla Updated

We are happy to announce an update to CKEditor for Joomla, a unique solution that integrates the most popular online editor in the world into the Joomla! content management system. This release brings CKFinder version to 2.1.1 and introduces compatibility with Joomla! 2.5, the latest and exciting version of this popular CMS.

CKEditor for ASP.NET 3.6.2 Released!

Following the recent CKEditor 3.6.2 release we would like to announce the availability of our integrated version for ASP.NET. The ASP.NET control was updated to the latest CKEditor version and contains all the bug fixes and new features introduced in CKEditor 3.6.2, including initial support for iOS5 and some API additions.

CKEditor for Java Released!

We are happy to announce the release of yet another official CKEditor integration, this time for Java. CKEditor for Java makes integrating the most popular online WYSIWYG editor in the world with Java applications easier than ever before.

CKEditor for ASP.NET Released!

We are happy to announce the release of yet another official CKEditor integration, this time for ASP.NET. The CKEditor for ASP.NET Control makes integrating the most popular online WYSIWYG editor in the world with ASP.NET applications easier than ever before.

6 Million Downloads!

Amazing numbers are coming out of our 2010 summary. Our company is growing fast , which simply reflects the success of our projects. Among the ways to measure this success one important factor deserves a special mention: the number of direct downloads.

CKEditor for SharePoint: The Ultimate Editing Solution

We are proud to present CKEditor for SharePoint, a unique solution that integrates the most popular online editor in the world into Microsoft SharePoint. It replaces the very limited built-in editing solution of that platform with a full-featured and customizable WYSIWYG editor.

CKEditor for jQuery

The new jQuery Adapter is our first integration effort for popular JavaScript libraries. We’re proposing features tightly integrated with jQuery, while not introducing too many new methods to it. This article illustrates it, including some sample code snippets.

CKEditor: Loading performance details

People have been talking a lot about CKEditor 3 on the web. We’re having very good feedback for the nice stuff we’ve brought with our new editor. One of the most noticeable changes is its loading performance.

CKEditor 3.0 is here!

After almost two years of intensive development, it’s a pleasure to release the first stable version of CKEditor 3.0, our next generation browser based WYSIWYG editor. This is the next big thing following the birth of CKSource.

2009: The birth of CKSource

It’s a pleasure to finally present to the public the results of the intensive work we’ve been doing during almost two years. CKSource is here, together with its new family of products, CKEditor and CKFinder.


Wow! Things are working well for us. Exactly one year ago we have reached 2 million downloads, accumulating yet another million now. That’s amazing, considering that we are counting only direct downloads, excluding the thousands of systems out there that contain FCKeditor embedded.


It’s wonderful to announce that, after a year from the first million, we have already reached 2 million downloads.


Amazing numbers! After only 6 months of the announcement of our first million downloads, another half a million can now be added to that incredible milestone. Yes, one and a half million downloads!


This month we have approached the incredible mark of one million downloads since the first release of FCKeditor three years ago! Today we are having almost 3,000 downloads daily. Those numbers confirm the quality and success of this project.

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