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A woman is reading a book. On the right there is an editor with collaboration feature

A starter guide to collaboration - CKEditor 5

CKEditor 5 is the next-generation rich text editor with WYSIWYG methodology at its core that can be implemented within web-based software. One of the things it was designed for and that makes it stand out on the market is collaboration.

Feature spotlight - HTML to Word converter

The MS Word .docx file format is an industry standard nowadays. The HTML to Word converter and the Export to Word editor plugin enable the incorporation of this format in your work for portability and cross-platform compatibility of your content.

CKEditor 5 with emphasized Revision History and possibility to collaboration

Revision History now available with Real-time Collaboration in CKEditor 5

For a long time, the Real-time Collaboration feature served our users in the best way possible. It did this, by allowing them to comment and edit content together in a rapid development environment. The same goes for Revision History – a versioning tool that became a user favorite from day one. Now we are bringing both of these great features together in one package!

Editor and two comments on the right

5 best collaborative writing strategies for 2022

Collaborative writing is getting increasingly popular within modern organizations. But it is not as simple as it might seem. To make the process of crafting great content together smooth and more effective, the right collaborative writing strategies need to be adopted. In this article, we shed light on some of the best collaborative writing strategies to utilize in 2022 and beyond.

Editor with shown editable and read-only mode

Feature of the month - restricted editing modes

Writing, editing — all of that is generally about the ability to access the content faster better, more efficiently. To add, remove, change, and rewrite yet again. Still, there are situations when an editor or a reader should not be able to change the content. Sounds surprising? Maybe so. Maybe not so much.

People planning tasks on the board

Agile project management - how we do it at CKSource

Agile project management is still making the headlines, despite being 20 years old. The benefits of its application are countless and priceless, and we are well aware of that at CKSource. Software developers who join us can see for themselves that going Agile and relying on continuous feedback simply makes the work done faster and more pleasant, and the results of it are often more than impressive. With this blog post, we’re continuing a cycle on the reasons why it is so beneficial to launch your career with CKSource or switch to this company from your current endeavor.

Boxes connected to the document

How blockchain-based writing platforms are shaping the future of written content

Blockchain has been known to be a game changer in digital transactions due to its functionality as a digital ledger and ties to cryptocurrency. However, it is also being utilized across new platforms designed for writers or that have writing as their core functionality. We talk about some of these use cases and also how CKEditor 5 can fit into this role for future blockchain development. This article focuses on writing platforms using blockchain in a way that are already available today, but the potential is immense.

Document navigation made easy - previewing the content minimap in CKEditor 5

If there is one thing every content writer could probably do without, it is the feeling of getting lost in a long document. Trying to navigate a book chapter or a legal document? We have all been there and we know this can be such a headache. There is good news, though: we came up with something to make your editing experience a little bit easier. What if the same content navigation tool that programmers have been using and enjoying for years was available in CKEditor 5? We decided to give it a try and this is how the first content minimap for a WYSIWYG text editor was born.

CKEditor 5 v29.0.0 with boosted images, find and replace and the source editing feature

The totally revamped image feature, supporting block and inline images, will bring more colors and fun into your rich content. The ability to edit the HTML source will give you more control over it hand in hand with the highly anticipated search and replace functionality. The General HTML Support will help advanced users expand the capabilities of the editor while a set of new user guides will aid them on the journey through all the newly introduced enhancements. There is also support for multi-root editors in revision history as well as new user permissions for collaboration features — CKEditor 5 v29.0.0 has it all!

Revision History is officially live - CKEditor 5 v28.0.0 released

CKEditor 5 v28.0.0 brings the long-awaited Revision History feature. It is a top-class document versioning tool that allows the users for full control over the editing process. The table feature was expanded with support for captions as well as default table and table cell styles. The integrators and plugin creators will appreciate the new metadata for npm packages and the documentation of the HTML output of the editor features. Improvements were done to the export features and schema definition. Some bug fixes were included, too.

A stylized graphic of different instances of CKEditor 5 with toolbar variations and a link insertion plugin.

You decide - customizability with CKEditor 5

Having the right tools for the job influences your software’s output. The developers of CKEditor 5 know that, which is why our API provides optimal customizability that can help you create the perfect plugin for your software’s needs. We explain how the development teams from three clients of ours — Plutio, Condé Nast, and Neos — used our API to customize CKEditor 5 instances in specific ways with satisfying results. Read on to see what we mean.

CKEditor 5 v27.0.0 with drag and drop

CKEditor 5 v27.0.0 with drag and drop, text part language and bubbling events

The newest release arrived, packed with new features, some improvements, fixes and a security patch. The long-awaited drag and drop functionality is here, covering textual content, widgets as well as HTML and plain text dropping from outside the editor. Language features have been expanded with the ability to set specific language to a selected part of the text and there were improvements to the text-align feature as well as the to-do list feature. And there is still more!

Word and character count in CKEditor 5

Feature of the month - Word and character count in CKEditor 5

There are certain features in editors or word processors that people tend to overlook, even though many of them use these on a daily basis. One such feature is the word and character count. An everyday user may not pay much attention to it, as it was originally aimed primarily at people who need to meet specific word limits while writing. Read the blog post to discover its usefulness in your favorite WYSIWYG editor.

Lists in CKEditor 5

Feature of the month - Lists in CKEditor 5

Among features offered by CKEditor 5 WYSIWYG editor, some are widely used (like text formatting or images) and some are rather specialized (like restricted editing or read-only mode). There are only a few features, however, that are so versatile and applicable to so many use cases and solutions as lists.

Feature of the month - Collaborative writing in CKEditor 5

Feature of the month - Collaborative writing in CKEditor 5

Welcome to the “Feature of the month” blog post. Kickstarting this new series in 2021, we want to spotlight and present selected features we offer with CKEditor 5. Every month, we will present the functions that we find especially interesting or in need of better recognition from our users. This is all in the hope to bring a better editing experience to you.

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