Easy Image
Images automatically
rescaled, optimized, responsive and delivered through a CDN.
Enter Key
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: basic, standard, full
This plugin defines the Enter key (line breaking) behavior in all contexts. Depending on the configuration, the editor will present the line break in... enterkey_128252 -
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: basic, standard, full
This plugin is to provide undo and redo feature to content modifications. It allows the maximum undo and redo steps to be configured. undo_128423 -
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: basic, standard, full
This plugin handles cut/copy/paste inside of the editor, processed the clipboard content on pasting, makes it better fit in the editor context, or even... clipboard_128216 -
Open Link
Author: m.lewandowski
Not included in any presets.
Open Link is a very simple plugin, extending the editor context menu with a possibility to open the link in a new tab. It has the following features... openlink_143903 -
Fixed toolbar on top
Author: netbroad
Not included in any presets.
This plugin add an awesome functionality to your CKEditor! The toolbar will remain fixed on top when CKEditor touch the browser top on scroll. If you... fixed_139976 -
Widget Context Menu
Author: betserd
Not included in any presets.
A CKEditor plugin which makes it possible to edit, copy and remove widgets using the right click context menu. This overcomes the problems of some widgets that... widgetcontextmenu_143352 -
Author: danya.postfactum
Not included in any presets.
Brings some autocorrect features from MS Word / Open Office word processors. Works as you type. Features: Smart quotes Hyperlink autoformat... autocorrect_135225 -
XML Templates
Author: alfonsoml
Not included in any presets.
This plugin allows to use the XML format for templates used in the old FCKeditor with CKEditor Installation 1. Extract the contents of the file into the... xmltemplates_133980 -
Show Blocks
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: full
This plugin adds the command to visualize all block-level elements by surrounding them with an outline and displaying their element name at the... showblocks_128381 -
Youtube bootstrap
Author: redsd
Not included in any presets.
An easy plugin that allows you to enter a youtube url to embed in your editor. This plugin also adds the bootstrap classes so the video will be responsive... youtubebootstrap_141066
Online builder
Your plugins
- 39 from preset
- 0 selected
- 22 required