Enter Key

This plugin defines the Enter key (line breaking) behavior in all contexts. Depending on the configuration, the editor will present the line break in one of the following ways: 

  • paragraph (<p>) block
  • <div> block
  • <br> element.

Shift+Enter key behavior can also be defined in a similiar way to accompany the Enter key configuration.

Note: Changing the Enter Mode setting to BR or DIV is not recommended. The default CKEDITOR.ENTER_P mode is fully supported by all editor features and plugins and is also the most correct one in terms of best practices for creating web content.

If you want to change it to control paragraph spacing, you should use stylesheets instead.


16,794,142 downloads (view stats)

This is an official plugin provided and supported by CKEditor developers.

You can submit bug reports directly to its GitHub issues tracker and discuss any integration issues on StackOverflow.


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 4.25.1-lts

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First minor release of CKEditor 4.25.1-lts

Version: 4.24.0-lts

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First major release of CKEditor 4.24.0-lts

Version: 4.23.0-lts

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First major release of CKEditor 4.23.0-lts

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