
Brings some autocorrect features from MS Word / Open Office word processors. Works as you type.


  • Smart quotes
  • Hyperlink autoformat
  • Bulleted and numbered lists autoformat (start a paragraph with * or 1. and press Space)
  • Character sequences autoreplace (e.g. (c) → ©)
  • Ordinal number autoformat (e.g. 1st → 1^st (superscript))
  • Hyphen to dash conversion (-)
  • Horizontal rule insertion (type --- or ___ and press Enter)

Different numbered lists are supported: 1., a., I.. A right parenthesis can be used instead of full stops.

The following markers are recognized as bulleted list markers: `*`, `+`, `•`.

Useful replacement character sequences:

Typed Replaced <-- and --> ← and → <-->-+ or +- ± ~=(c), (r), (tm) ©, ®, ™ (o) ˚ ...<< and >> « and » 1/2, 1/4, 3/4 ½, ¼, ¾

498042 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 3.0

DownloadRelease notes

- Options dialog

- Various fixes

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