XML Templates

This plugin allows to use the XML format for templates used in the old FCKeditor with CKEditor

1. Extract the contents of the file into the "plugins" folder of CKEditor.
2. In the CKEditor configuration file (config.js) add the following code:

config.extraPlugins = 'xmltemplates';

3. In your config file, add a new entry to specify the location of the XML file with the templates, remember that it must be prefixed by "xml:"

config.templates_files : ['xml:fcktemplates.xml']

All the details and options are explained in the included install doc.


28,986 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.0

DownloadRelease notes

First and only version. Compatible with CKEditor 3 and 4

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