Easy Image
Images automatically
rescaled, optimized, responsive and delivered through a CDN.
Links Split - URL & Domain
Author: tomdz
Not included in any presets.
Help you split domain name and url. Install : Download source and extract to "ckeditor/plugins" folder. in config.toolbarGroups... hkurlsplit_144888 -
Prism Syntax Highlighter
Author: ranelpadon
Not included in any presets.
Prism Syntax Highlighter is a plugin for inserting formatted texts or code snippets in your blog/website. It is an integration of PrismJS... prism_141478 -
File Manager
Author: doksoft
Not included in any presets.
Installation manual & CodePen samples: CKEditor 4 / CKEditor 5. Meet the Flmngr file manager – an all-inclusive solution for managing your files... file-manager_142053 -
Media Embed
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
This plugin lets you embed media resources directly in the editor. The plugin introduces a widget that allows you to embed resources (videos, images,... embed_139780 -
Tweetable Text
Author: ardnet
Not included in any presets.
A simple plugin to make some of the text tweetable, where user can click that text, then tweet it easily. For more info, please visit https://github... tweetabletext_139033 -
Font Awesome fortyTwo
Author: jshilt42
Not included in any presets.
Font Awesome plugin supporting FA v4 through v6, free and pro. - icon list pulled from FontAwesome CSS file being used - Brand checkbox - styling,... fa42_148414 -
Cross Reference
Author: indvd00m
Not included in any presets.
Adds cross references links with optional auto-numeration for chapters, images, tables and references. Other types of references can be defined in config.... crossreference_142991 -
Upload File
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
A simple plugin that allows you to drag&drop a file into the editor. The editor will then automatically send the file to your pre-configured backend and... uploadfile_140216 -
PerformX OpenAccess
Author: Systemik
Not included in any presets.
Adds three buttons to the CKEditor toolbar that provide: editor content templates, a library of accessible tables, and accessibility checking for... performx_133717 -
Minimal YouTube [multi-language]
Author: piotrm50
Not included in any presets.
Insert a YouTube video with minimal friction. Optionless by design. Multi-language support included. tliyoutube2_141772
Online builder
Your plugins
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