File Manager

Installation manual & CodePen samples: CKEditor 4 / CKEditor 5.

Meet the Flmngr file manager – an all-inclusive solution for managing your files and images on the website. Upload multiple images as easy as just one (selecting them from your device or by drag'n'drop), move, delete and rename files across folders the way you want.

You can use for free everything you expect from a file manager. All base tools of working with files. Premium users will unlock ImgPen image editor, picking stock photos from Unsplash, integrations for Amazon S3 and Azure Blob, multiselection (for managing galleries).

This plugin is deeply integrated into CKEditor features but also accessible outside of CKEditor by well documented API.

PHP backend can be installed as Composer package of by just copying files (legacy way). So you can integrate it into any CMS or framework, including Laravel, Yii, Symfony, Zend or any other.


3,629 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 2023.8.1

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