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Accessibility myths

Let’s face it: accessibility is still kind of a niche topic. And, as with nearly every niche topic, there are some “common knowledge” things or, as I like to call them, myths. I’ve chosen some of them and in today’s article, I will dig into them to see if there is some truth behind them.

Highlighted buttons

Button - why is simple not that simple?

Some things are regarded as simple. A button is a great example of it: a small rectangular thingy that can be clicked. I mean — that’s it, that’s the button, there isn’t anything complex about it… or is there?

Accessibility, availability and Progressive Enhancement

Accessibility, Availability and Progressive Enhancement

Your site cannot be accessible if it is not available. And if it is available, it will not be usable to the users unless it is accessible. These two terms are strictly interconnected — read on how you can employ Progressive Enhancement in order to make your websites both available and accessible.

How to test Web Accessibility

Web accessibility testing - DIY!

Every website should pass through an accessibility audit to check if it is really inclusive for every user willing to use your product. However, very often you do not have the time or funds to go for a complete, professional audit. Sometimes it is enough to check the basics and increase the accessibility on your own. This checklist will help you perform a basic web accessibility audit to ensure that some common accessibility issues present on your site will be wiped out with a reasonable effort.

Accessibility Checker Goes Open Source

It’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day today! To celebrate it in a big way, we would like to announce that as of today, Accessibility Checker for CKEditor will be available for everyone for free, licensed under an Open Source GPL license. If you care about accessibility, want to learn more about how important it is, and get to know our new product, read on!

Commercial Benefits of Accessibility

As the creators of a highly popular WYSIWYG rich text editor, CKSource is no stranger to proper web standards. CKEditor is responsible for producing a good part of the HTML content online so it must always generate semantic markup. Web standards are what keep the Internet from chaos and accessibility plays an important role in defining how the web is shaped. CKSource is proud of being fully committed to the cause – a decision that has brought the company unexpected benefits.

CKEditor + WAI-ARIA = Usable Accessibility

With the release of CKEditor 3.2, a year ago, we have re-launched our accessibility strategy, making it based on the WAI-ARIA standards. This is something we have been working on for several months in strict cooperation with IBM, satisfying their high level of accessibility requirements. It certainly took our accessibility support, already significant in previous releases, to a much higher level, allowing us to support the W3C WCAG 2.0 and Section 508 guidelines.

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