Indent List

This plugin handles list indentation (for <ul> and <ol> elements). It allows to change list indentation levels by nesting lists (indent) or changing them into paragraphs (outdent).

This plugin introduces keyboard shortcuts for indenting and outdenting lists by using the Tab and Shift+Tab keys, respectively.

The Indent List plugin requires the Indent plugin to work correctly.



14,598,353 downloads (view stats)

This is an official plugin provided and supported by CKEditor developers.

You can submit bug reports directly to its GitHub issues tracker and discuss any integration issues on StackOverflow.


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 4.23.0-lts

DownloadRelease notes

First major release of CKEditor 4.23.0-lts

Version: 4.22.1

DownloadRelease notes

First minor release of CKEditor 4.22.1

Indent Block

This plugin handles indentation of text blocks.

The Indent Block plugin requires the Indent plugin to work correctly.

Check the following configuration options that customize the indentation behavior:


7,180,702 downloads (view stats)

This is an official plugin provided and supported by CKEditor developers.

You can submit bug reports directly to its GitHub issues tracker and discuss any integration issues on StackOverflow.


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 4.23.0-lts

DownloadRelease notes

First major release of CKEditor 4.23.0-lts

Version: 4.22.1

DownloadRelease notes

First minor release of CKEditor 4.22.1


A tool to space text, like single, multiple, 1.5, etc.


Syntaxhighlighter Interface


A plugin originally written for CKEditor 3+ that enables code syntax highlighting. Interface for Alex Gorbatchev's syntaxhighlighter.

Updated to work with CKEditor 4+; some features added.

Supported languages: English, German and French. Feel free to contribute further translations.



First method: simply use the ckbuilder to add syntaxhighlighter to your editor

Second method: download the plugin here, add the syntaxhighlighter-folder to your ckeditor's subfolder "plugins" and add syntaxhighlighter to the extraPlugins-entry in your config.js. If the plugin doesn't appear try adding an item called 'Syntaxhighlight' to your toolbar

Caution: this plugin simply adds some special markup-tags to your input. For the highlighting-process itself you will need to run Alex Gorbatchev's library on your website too.



you can define all default values by yourself, i.e. by setting the correspondent values in your config.js

Configurable values are:

CKEDITOR.config.syntaxhighlight_hideGutter = [true|false];

CKEDITOR.config.syntaxhighlight_hideControls = [true|false];

CKEDITOR.config.syntaxhighlight_collapse = [true|false];

CKEDITOR.config.syntaxhighlight_codeTitle = any title; // default ''

CKEDITOR.config.syntaxhighlight_showColumns = [true|false];

CKEDITOR.config.syntaxhighlight_noWrap = [true|false];

CKEDITOR.config.syntaxhighlight_firstLine = any numeric value; // default 0

CKEDITOR.config.syntaxhighlight_highlight = i.e. [1,3,9]; // default null

CKEDITOR.config.syntaxhighlight_lang = 'applescript', 'actionscript3', 'as3', 'bash', 'shell', 'sh', 'coldfusion', 'cf', 'cpp', 'c', 'c#', 'c-sharp', 'csharp', 'css', 'delphi', 'pascal', 'pas', 'diff', 'patch', 'erl', 'erlang', 'groovy', 'haxe', 'hx', 'java', 'jfx', 'javafx', 'js', 'jscript', 'javascript', 'perl', 'Perl', 'pl', 'php', 'text', 'plain', 'powershell', 'ps', 'posh', 'py', 'python', 'ruby', 'rails', 'ror', 'rb', 'sass', 'scss', 'scala', 'sql', 'tap', 'Tap', 'TAP', 'ts', 'typescript', 'vb', 'vbnet', 'xml', 'xhtml', 'xslt', 'html'; // default null

CKEDITOR.config.syntaxhighlight_code = any source code; // default ''


Alex Gorbatchev's syntaxhighlighter:

Find us at github:

View our demo:


54,284 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.7.0

DownloadRelease notes

added translation to Chinese-Simplified by @Gnodiah

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