
This plugin introduces support for easy inserting of emoji characters in a unified, platform-independent way. Emojis are inserted by typing codes based on Unicode Short Names in the editor or by opening the emoji dropdown with a toolbar button.

The emoji dropdown allows you to filter the list, navigate by category or search for relevant emoji.

Keyword matching functionality ensures that when you are looking for a term (such as "doctor"), related matches (like ":face_with_medical_mask:", ":man_health_worker:", ":woman_health_worker:", ":hospital:" or ":pill") will be displayed, too.

The Emoji plugin that provides this functionality is an implementation of the Autocomplete feature. It includes an autocomplete component that will list available emojis after the user types the colon character (":") in the editor content.



53,666 downloads (view stats)

This is an official plugin provided and supported by CKEditor developers.

You can submit bug reports directly to its GitHub issues tracker and discuss any integration issues on StackOverflow.


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.25 4.24 4.23

Version: 4.25.1-lts

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First minor release of CKEditor 4.25.1-lts

Version: 4.24.0-lts

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First major release of CKEditor 4.24.0-lts

Version: 4.23.0-lts

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First major release of CKEditor 4.23.0-lts

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