Easy Image
Images automatically
rescaled, optimized, responsive and delivered through a CDN.
Rich Combo
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
This plugin provides the main class that includes a set of methods used for constructing drop-downs like Styles, Format, Font Size and Font Family to... richcombo_128366 -
Editor Resize
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: standard, full
This plugin allows you to resize the classic editor instance by dragging the resize handle (◢) located in the bottom right (or bottom left in the... resize_128363 -
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
This plugin used along with the floatpanel plugin is to provide the basis of all editor UI panels - dropdown, menus, etc. panel_128336 -
Grid Widget
Author: akilli
Not included in any presets.
This widgets just serves as a container for multiple instances of other widgets in order to apply certain styles on them, p.e. through flexbox or grid layout... grid_145158 -
Menu Button
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
This plugin provides a menu button UI component when clicked opens a drop-down menu with a list of options. menubutton_128327 -
List Block
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
This plugin provides the basis for constructing a drop down list in editor float panels, mostly found inside of the rich combo, list item with... listblock_128312 -
Floating Panel
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
This plugin along with the panel plugin is to provide the basis of all editor UI panels - dropdown, menus, etc. floatpanel_128273 -
LoopIndex Track Changes (Commercial License)
Author: LoopIndex
Not included in any presets.
The plugin provides the option to track the changes (additions/deletions) made to your editor's text, with the support of multi-user changes... FLITE_143942 -
Include CSS & JS
Author: doksoft
Not included in any presets.
Editing pages is much easier when you see them exactly as they are published: in the same fonts, same sizes and colors as your main theme. This is the essence... doksoft_include_132613 -
Bootstrap Grid Builder (Mobile Friendly)
Author: michaeljanea
Not included in any presets.
Bootstrap includes a responsive, mobile-first fluid grid system that appropriately scales up to 12 columns as the device or viewport size increases.... bootstrapGridBuilder_143161
Online builder
Your plugins
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- 22 required