• Placeholder Select

    Author: troy.lutton

    Not included in any presets.

    A configurable, generic and lightweight solution for inserting placeholder tokens into the editor via a combo box (select box) dropdown...
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  • BBCode Output Format

    Author: CKSource

    Not included in any presets.

    This plugin configures CKEditor to output BBCode format instead of (X)HTML. It also customizes the editor configuration to better...
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  • (La)TeX2MathML

    Author: raniere

    Not included in any presets.

    Another Math editor plugin for CKEditor. This plugin uses TeXZilla to convert user (La)TeX input to MathML. No MathJax neither bitmap images.
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  • Spreadsheet

    Author: CKSource

    Not included in any presets.

    This plugin offers Excel-like functionality available right inside CKEditor 4. It allows you to create intelligent, data-driven documents in your WYSIWYG...
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  • Inline Save

    Author: tyleryasaka

    Not included in any presets.

    This plugin allows the user to save the content for a CKEditor inline editor via http POST. Usage 1. Add the plugin to your editor. Help...
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  • FontAwesome6

    Author: ed3

    Not included in any presets.

    FontAwesome6 (free) allows you to insert formatted Font Awesome 6 into your text in CKEditor. Install: add in your html page all.min.css add in your...
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  • Media Embed Base

    Author: CKSource

    Not included in any presets.

    This plugin is a base of the Media Embed and Semantic Media Embed plugins. It exposes a set of tools under the CKEDITOR.plugins.embedBase namespace which can...
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  • Leaflet Maps

    Author: ranelpadon

    Not included in any presets.

    Leaflet is an open-source, lightweight, modular, and elegantly designed JavaScript map library. And this CKEditor Leaflet Maps plugin is a free and...
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  • Table Sorter

    Author: HVSTechnik

    Not included in any presets.

    Allows to sort tables by each column ascending and descending. Sorting buttons are added to the context menu within each table cell.
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  • FontAwesome5

    Author: ed3

    Not included in any presets.

    FontAwesome5 (free) allows you to insert formatted Font Awesome 5.x into your text in CKEditor. Install: add in your html page all.min.css add in...
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