Easy Image
Images automatically
rescaled, optimized, responsive and delivered through a CDN.
Dropdown menu manager
Author: rpet
Not included in any presets.
Dropdown menu manager This plugin adds the feature to describe with the help of the CKEditor's configuration various dropdowns and populate them with... dropdownmenumanager_139857 -
placeholder list custom labels
Author: jpduarte
Not included in any presets.
Custom placeholder menu. placeholder_custom_labels_146112 -
Keep TextSelection
Author: ingo
Not included in any presets.
The plugin that makes the editor keep it's text-selection when switching between WYSIWYG and Source mode, and scrolls the selection into the viewport.... textselection_133646 -
AutoSave Plugin
Author: ingo
Not included in any presets.
Auto Save Plugin for the CKEditor which automatically saves the content (via HTML5 LocalStorage) temporarly (for example when a login session times out). And... autosave_131384 -
Inline Cancel
Author: tyleryasaka
Not included in any presets.
This is a simple cancel button for the CKEditor toolbar, designed to go along with the inlinesave addon. A customonCancel function can be specified,... inlinecancel_134380 -
Easy Keymap
Author: ronisaha
Not included in any presets.
A plugin for custom keymap and keyboard shortcut action. This plugin can be configured to insert special charecter using shortcut or call a function for a... easykeymap_141328 -
Accessibility Checker
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
Accessibility Checker is an innovative solution that lets you inspect the accessibility level of content created in CKEditor and immediately solve ... a11ychecker_141828 -
PerformX OpenAccess
Author: Systemik
Not included in any presets.
Adds three buttons to the CKEditor toolbar that provide: editor content templates, a library of accessible tables, and accessibility checking for... performx_133717 -
Sketchfab CKEditor Plugin
Author: Sketchfab
Not included in any presets.
The Sketchfab CKEditor plugin adds a Sketchfab button in a CKEeditor text-editing toolbar. This button allows to embed interactive 3D models right in your text... sketchfab_139483 -
Widget Context Menu
Author: betserd
Not included in any presets.
A CKEditor plugin which makes it possible to edit, copy and remove widgets using the right click context menu. This overcomes the problems of some widgets that... widgetcontextmenu_143352
Online builder
Your plugins
- 39 from preset
- 0 selected
- 22 required