Sketchfab CKEditor Plugin

The Sketchfab CKEditor plugin adds a Sketchfab button in a CKEeditor text-editing toolbar. This button allows to embed interactive 3D models right in your text.

  • Add a sketchfab button in your toolbar 

  • Paste a sketchfab url 

  • Embed a model in one click 

Supported editors

The CKE plugin can be used on any backend using CKEditor as a frontend text-editor, and able to parse [sketchfab] bbCode See examples for implementation details (currently: vBulletin 3.8 & vBulletin 4)

Getting started

Implementation may vary depending on your backend system (vBulletin, phpBB, wordpress ...). Specific implementation details are provided when available, but the main steps are basically the same:

  • Copy the src/ckeditor-plugin/sketchfab directory inside the plugins/ folder of CKEditor
  • Edit 'siteName' in plugin.js
  • Edit CKEditor's config (often found in config.js) to enable the plugin and efine the position of the Sketchfab button in your toolbar
[sketchfab] bbCode

Your text-editor / backend must support the [sketchfab] bbCode. The [sketchfab] bbCode converts a string such as [sketchfab]modelId[/sketchfab] into a Sketchfab embed (iframe). Implementation details may vary depending on your backend


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12,098 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.0rc

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