Inline Cancel

This is a simple cancel button for the CKEditor toolbar, designed to go along with the inlinesave addon. A customonCancel function can be specified, allowing the developer to implement his/her own functionality for the button.

Usage1. Add the plugin to your editor. Help 2. Set configuration options

The options are:

  • onCancel (function): function to call when the button is clicked; editor element is passed into this function (can be used to manually undo changes; see notes)

Sample configuration object (place this in your configuration file):

config.inlinecancel = {
  onCancel: function(editor) { console.log('cancel', editor); }
Display label

If you want the label "Cancel" to display next to the icon, add the following css to your site:

.cke_button_label.cke_button__inlinecancel_label {
    display: inline;




25,571 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 2.7.1

DownloadRelease notes

Set config to empty object if it is not defined by user

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