Easy Image
Images automatically
rescaled, optimized, responsive and delivered through a CDN.
Line Height
Author: lotusgodkk
Not included in any presets.
Adds the functionality to set the line-height property of an element similar to the font-size. Installation notes: Add "lineheight" in the... lineheight_138172 -
Static Space
Author: ayakovlev
Not included in any presets.
This plugin attaches the toolbar panel to one of the editor's corners. The toolbar hides when the editor loses focus. By default this plugin is used... staticspace_139582 -
Auto Grow
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
With this plugin, CKEditor will automatically expand and shrink vertically depending on the amount and size of content entered in its editing area. The... autogrow_128198 -
Elements Path
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: standard, full
This plugin displays a list of HTML element names in the current cursor position. By default the list appears at the bottom of the editor... elementspath_128249 -
Table Resizer(Row and Column)
Author: furkanaydogdu
Not included in any presets.
This plugin handles the table row and column resizing process on editor. tableresizerowandcolumn_143750 -
Stored automatically in the browser storage
Author: leroy
Not included in any presets.
Automatically saves the data in the document is changed. The data are stored in the repository browser, so-that any failure or computer network can always... backup_128907 -
Balloon Panel
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
The Balloon Panel plugin provides the ability to create a floating, balloon-shaped container capable of presenting content at a precise position... balloonpanel_141827 -
Color Dialog
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: full
This plugin provides a dedicated Select Color dialog window with a table of colors that can be chosen with your mouse. It lets you select exact colors... colordialog_128222 -
Author: zmmaj
Not included in any presets.
Since google map now require to pay for API key, I was decide to change all my maps to something else. End now, we have OpenStreet map. For this I was use... OpenStreet_144328 -
Advanced Tab for Dialogs
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: full
This plugin provides the Advanced dialog window tab to extend some editor dialog windows. Thanks to this other plugins do not need to implement the... dialogadvtab_128234
Online builder
Your plugins
- 39 from preset
- 0 selected
- 22 required