Easy Image
Images automatically
rescaled, optimized, responsive and delivered through a CDN.
Countdown Timer
Author: powrplugins
Not included in any presets.
About Countdown Timer by POWr Create urgency during shoppers’ purchase decision for higher conversions with a custom counter. Create your count down... powrcountdowntimer_145657 -
Author: powrplugins
Not included in any presets.
About Comments Share your customer feedback with the world and build confidence in your business with POWr Comments. Works like Facebook comments, with... powrcomments_145655 -
Image and Audio Uploader
Author: CoursesWeb
Not included in any presets.
Free PHP script that can be used to upload Image and Audio files (MP3, OGG, WAV) on server, with CKEditor, and use them automatically in the editor's... imgupload_137516 -
Image Uploader without file browser
Author: siulongwas
Not included in any presets.
This simple plugin replaces the built-in image upload function. The plugin enables the developers use their own server to save the image without any file... imageCustomUploader_143186 -
Mathematical Formulas
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
Mathematical plugin that introduces the MathJax widget. You can use it to create or modify equations using TeX. The following configuration options are... mathjax_132793 -
Insert Symbol
Author: helmo̷
Not included in any presets.
This is a modified version of Frederico Knabben's specialCharacter plugin. It gives the user the possibility to insert most unicode symbols. All... symbol_129687 -
Save to PDF
Author: api2pdf
Not included in any presets.
Use AWS Lambda to Generate PDFs using the Api2Pdf REST API is a REST API for instantly generating PDF documents from HTML, URLs, Microsoft... save-to-pdf_144500 -
Code Snippet GeSHi
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
This plugin lets you insert rich code snippets with syntax highlighting provided by the server-side GeSHi engine into the editor. Please note that this... codesnippetgeshi_135400 -
Table Tools
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: standard, full
This plugin adds a more advanced context menu for table items and the Cell Properties dialog window with support for features such as: Cell type. Cell... tabletools_128411 -
About CKEditor
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: basic, standard, full
This core plugin displays CKEditor version, online documentation links, and licensing information. about_128189
Online builder
Your plugins
- 39 from preset
- 0 selected
- 22 required