Easy Image
Images automatically
rescaled, optimized, responsive and delivered through a CDN.
Image Resizer(Width and Height)
Author: furkanaydogdu
Not included in any presets.
This plugin handles the image height and width resizing process in editor by dragging the image edges. imageresizerowandcolumn_143753 -
Insert Symbol
Author: helmo̷
Not included in any presets.
This is a modified version of Frederico Knabben's specialCharacter plugin. It gives the user the possibility to insert most unicode symbols. All... symbol_129687 -
Div Editing Area
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
This plugin uses a <div> element (instead of the traditional <iframe> element) as the editable area in the themedui creator. Much similar to... divarea_128243 -
Context Menu
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: standard, full
The plugin provides the editor's context menu to use instead of the browser's native menu in place. It also provides the API to manage menu... contextmenu_128225 -
Editor Toolbar
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: basic, standard, full
This plugin provides the classical experience to access editor commands, including items like buttons and drop-down lists. It allows toolbar items to... toolbar_128417 -
IFrame Editing Area
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: basic, standard, full
This plugin represents an editing area that stores the editor content inside of an embedded iframe, so that content styles were not inherited... wysiwygarea_128429 -
Floating Space
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: basic, standard, full
This plugin is used in inline creator to place the editor toolbar in the best position around the editable element. floatingspace_128270 -
Open Link
Author: m.lewandowski
Not included in any presets.
Open Link is a very simple plugin, extending the editor context menu with a possibility to open the link in a new tab. It has the following features... openlink_143903 -
Enter Key
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: basic, standard, full
This plugin defines the Enter key (line breaking) behavior in all contexts. Depending on the configuration, the editor will present the line break in... enterkey_128252 -
File Browser
Author: CKSource
Included in presets: standard, full
This plugin serves to integrate the editor with an external file manager (an application that provides file browse/upload capabilities). It... filebrowser_128261
Online builder
Your plugins
- 39 from preset
- 0 selected
- 22 required