Easy Image
Images automatically
rescaled, optimized, responsive and delivered through a CDN.
Balloon Toolbar
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
This plugin provides an API to create floating toolbars pointing at a given element. It also allows you to specify context-aware toolbars, providing a very... balloontoolbar_143786 -
Widget Context Menu
Author: betserd
Not included in any presets.
A CKEditor plugin which makes it possible to edit, copy and remove widgets using the right click context menu. This overcomes the problems of some widgets that... widgetcontextmenu_143352 -
Live Collaborative Edit
Author: syntithenai
Not included in any presets.
This plugin enables real time collaborative editing of the ckeditor content allowing many users to make changes to ckeditor content and see each others... liveedit_141742 -
LoopIndex Track Changes
Author: LoopIndex
Not included in any presets.
The plugin provides the option to track the changes (additions / deletions) made to your editor's text, with the support of multi user... lite_132298 -
Author: stracker.phil
Not included in any presets.
Floating-Tools is a smart addition to CKEditor that gives your users a floating toolbar whenever they select some text! Description A very... floating-tools_130568 -
SharePoint Image Picker
Author: mario-duran
Not included in any presets.
Plugin that allows you to insert images from a SharePoint 2013 Asset Library (Asset Picker). SPImage_143134 -
Author: DarkLane
Not included in any presets.
This plugin allows you to insert Youtube videos using just the URL of the video. This plugin allows to have the bbcode [youtube] [/ youtube] The problem is... pacatube_145682 -
Layout Manager
Author: rpet
Not included in any presets.
This plugins adds various grids. Configuration config.extraPlugins = "layoutmanager" config.layoutmanager_loadbootstrap = true/false (false by... layoutmanager_139997 -
Notification Aggregator
Author: CKSource
Not included in any presets.
This plugin exposes the NotificationAggregator class which allows you to aggregate multiple tasks (e.g. uploading multiple files) into a single notification... notificationaggregator_139837 -
Ckeditor FontAwesome plugin
Author: Armrus
Not included in any presets.
Ckeditor FontAwesome integration plugin for drupal wysiwyg module. ckeditor_fa_143192
Online builder
Your plugins
- 39 from preset
- 0 selected
- 22 required