Layout Manager

This plugins adds various grids.

config.extraPlugins = "layoutmanager"

config.layoutmanager_loadbootstrap = true/false (false by default - embedded bootstrap.css is not loaded)
config.layoutmanager_allowedContent (all tags are allowed by default)
config.layoutmanager_buttonboxWidth = 58 (the width of each layout-preview button in the dialog).

If the plugin is used in inline instance of the editor and/or with the divarea plugin, the files 'css/style.css' and 'css/bootstrap.css' should be loaded manually.

Name for adding into the toolbar : "AddLayout"

28,055 downloads (view stats)


Plugin versions CKEditor versions
4.24 4.23 4.22

Version: 1.1.0

DownloadRelease notes

Refactor dom manipulation logic to use JQuery

Breaking changes:

JQuery should be loaded to have the plugin working

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