• Styles Combo

    Author: CKSource

    Included in presets: standard, full

    This plugin provides the Styles drop-down list added to the editor toolbar. It lists text and object styles defined in the styles.js file...
  • Semantic Media Embed

    Author: CKSource

    Not included in any presets.

    This plugin lets you embed media resources with semantic output directly in the editor. The plugin introduces a widget that allows you to embed...
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  • Media Embed Base

    Author: CKSource

    Not included in any presets.

    This plugin is a base of the Media Embed and Semantic Media Embed plugins. It exposes a set of tools under the CKEDITOR.plugins.embedBase namespace which can...
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  • Quote Widget

    Author: akilli

    Not included in any presets.

    This widget can be used as an alternative to the Blockquote Plugin. It allows to wrap a blockquote element within a figure element with the CSS class quote and...
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  • BiDi (Text Direction)

    Author: CKSource

    Included in presets: full

    This plugin makes it possible to change the text direction (HTML "dir" attribute) for a block-level content element such as a paragraph,...
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  • Imageresponsive

    Author: clmnsk

    Not included in any presets.

    This is a further enhancement to the image2 plugin (enhanced image) by CKSource. It includes support for the responsive images attributes srcset and...
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  • Gallery Widget

    Author: akilli

    Not included in any presets.

    This widgets serves as a container for multiple instances of other media widgets in order to display them as a gallery, p.e. with the aid of flexbox or grid...
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  • Format buttons

    Author: stevenvdhout

    Not included in any presets.

    Use buttons to set the format of selected text heading to h1-h6.
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  • Block Widget

    Author: akilli

    Not included in any presets.

    This widget lets you create and edit non-editable and optionally previewable placeholder blocks. You can edit the placeholder block through a simple dialog...
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  • Mentions

    Author: CKSource

    Not included in any presets.

    This plugin allows you to type a pre-configured marker character, such as "@" or "#", and get suggested values for the text matches. The...
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