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Editor with shown editable and read-only mode

Feature of the month - restricted editing modes

Writing, editing — all of that is generally about the ability to access the content faster better, more efficiently. To add, remove, change, and rewrite yet again. Still, there are situations when an editor or a reader should not be able to change the content. Sounds surprising? Maybe so. Maybe not so much.

Word and character count in CKEditor 5

Feature of the month - Word and character count in CKEditor 5

There are certain features in editors or word processors that people tend to overlook, even though many of them use these on a daily basis. One such feature is the word and character count. An everyday user may not pay much attention to it, as it was originally aimed primarily at people who need to meet specific word limits while writing. Read the blog post to discover its usefulness in your favorite WYSIWYG editor.

Lists in CKEditor 5

Feature of the month - Lists in CKEditor 5

Among features offered by CKEditor 5 WYSIWYG editor, some are widely used (like text formatting or images) and some are rather specialized (like restricted editing or read-only mode). There are only a few features, however, that are so versatile and applicable to so many use cases and solutions as lists.

Feature of the month - Collaborative writing in CKEditor 5

Feature of the month - Collaborative writing in CKEditor 5

Welcome to the “Feature of the month” blog post. Kickstarting this new series in 2021, we want to spotlight and present selected features we offer with CKEditor 5. Every month, we will present the functions that we find especially interesting or in need of better recognition from our users. This is all in the hope to bring a better editing experience to you.

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